Your Name On My Lips

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"Hey, it's me."

Lauren turned her chair back and forth, listening to the smooth voice on the other end.

She was back at work, almost a week from her second training session with Camila. The training session that left Camila sensitive and worn out for a couple of days, and left Lauren lost in her thoughts.

Lauren saw so much potential in Camila.

Initially, that was the thing that attracted her to the petite brunette in the first place. Lauren knew deep in her heart that there was just something about Camila.

Something so natural, something beautiful.

Which was exactly what Lauren had been searching for. Something that set one submissive apart from the rest.

Lauren looked for the submissive who yearned to be obedient. She wanted a woman who genuinely wanted to give up that kind of control. However, she hoped for that woman to be natural, inexperienced, and willing to be taught despite her subconscious obedience.

Lauren felt that that woman was obviously Camila, and then some.

Camila was absolutely clueless as to where her submissive nature came from or how far it went, yet she began accepting and understanding it with an ease that most of Lauren's most experienced encounters hadn't even come close to.

It was exhilarating, and baffling.

Of course it made Lauren happy and gave her a certain thrill. It also caused her to become sexually attached to Camila in a truly dynamic way.

A way that felt like a bomb, waiting to explode.

It was slightly frightening for Lauren. Because it was starting to seem like the premise of some type of unseen relationship. The feelings that ran within her were increasing rapidly everyday. So much that they started to make Lauren impatient. They made it harder for Lauren to stay controlled and even more difficult to keep the level of dignity that she perfected with her submissives for so long.

Of course, Camila was still rough around the edges. Making mistakes came natural with being a submissive, but Camila's mistakes were accompanied with actions that almost made Lauren wonder how naturally obedient Camila really was.

That type of progress, caused Lauren to assume that Camila's training could maybe come to an end faster than she planned.

Which caused Lauren to come to a conclusion that she usually wouldn't come to so early in an agreement. A conclusion that she wasn't so sure about.

So she called for a second opinion.

"Well, it's none other than the Lauren Jauregui. To what do I owe this pleasure? Have you done away with your new project already?"

Lauren laughed at Alexa's antics, smiling at the woman's playful tone.

"Alexa, my love. Your jealousy is delicious...but wrong, once again. I was actually just calling to have a particular talk with you about my "project" whose name is actually Camila. I expect you refer to her as such, from now on."

Alexa whistled. "Ooh, yes ma'am. Someone is awfully attached to their new toy. I assume training is going well then?" Lauren could hear the curiosity in Alexa's voice underneath her teasing.

"Training has been...exciting. Full of surprises, actually." Lauren picked up a pen and twirled it between her fingers as she spoke. She assumed "surprises" was an accurate term to describe Camila's behavior to her friend.

"Surprises you say? That's not a word one here's often regarding a submissive...were they bad surprises?"

"Not necessarily. We've had two training sessions, Alex. I've been trying to take it slow, focusing on the basics..."

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