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Laksh looks at Ragini confused.

"why did you get that doubt Ragini..? I really love you..! don't you know it..?" he asks.

Ragini raises up from his chest.

"I'm not understanding Laksh. If you have loved me in real, you wouldn't have hurt me this much..!" she says.

Laksh looks at her, Ragini turns her face aside.

"I know, something which happened 600 years back.. you are taking revenge now. but, does true love will have revenge?" asks Ragini.

Laksh stops the car aside,

"Ragini.. but I said sorry naa. Leave it know. It was over."

Ragini gets down from car in tears. Laksh looks confused and he too gets down.

"Laksh, it was 600 years back or you know, how desperate I was to hug you and confess my love.? In past, fate has separated us. But.. in this life, it's you Laksh. Why can't you understand me. Ok, you felt as I ignored you.. but, if you have loved me for true, you wouldn't have repeated it for me."

Ragini holds the car door in tears and bending her head. Laksh comes to her.

"I agree Ragini. I was foolish to do all that. excuse me for this time. I will never ever repeat this..!! Ragini, our love is very strong..!! that's why, in this life we met again. And, we both remembered our past.. if my love was not true, this all wouldn't have happened. Please Ragini, forgive me." Laksh holds her hand.

But, Ragini seemed still dissatisfied.

Laksh: fine Ragini, tell me what should I do to prove my love? It's not lust.

Ragini takes gulp and wipes her tears.

"Be far from me for one week."

Laksh looks on.

"prove me, that you love my heart... but not my body." Ragini says.

Laksh laughs.

"that's so simple Ragini.."

Ragini looks at him in red eyes. Laksh stops laughing and looks at her deeply.

Laksh: this will go on your wish Ragini. But, before proceeding into this challenge, I have one wish..! and, you aren't going to say no to this..!

Laksh moves towards her and Ragini looks at him confused and moves back. She gets blocked by car. Laksh comes forward to her and he places his hands on both sides of her. blocking her.

Ragini keeps looking at him. Laksh leans to her making himself touching to her completely. His face is now too close to her. Ragini's abnormal breath keeps touching his face. With her warm breath Laksh closes his eyes in smile. Ragini gets a smile on her lips unknowingly. As he is proceeding further, she too closes her eyes. Laksh moves his hands which are far from her to her face to hold her. Ragini's hands raises to hold his back. Raglak joins their lips together to have a smooch. Laksh keeps sucking her lips as pineapple piece and Ragini too does the same. Both are just lost in their own environment, they can listen only to the tiny groans they make and they are just tasting each other's tongues.

Both of their eye corner shines due to tears because they are going to miss each other for seven days. Yes, it is really a big separation for the soul mates who are mad for each other. Ragni places her hands on his chest to move him far when she feels his teeth just touched her lip. After breaking the kiss, both look at each other.. and Laksh again pecks her lips.

You are my Everything..!! (RagLak's Love story)Where stories live. Discover now