Chapter 3; You're Own Choosing

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AU: If I type anything wrong and I don't catch it while rewriting this please me know
"You do know, what a masquerade party is, right?" Sharena asked.
"A party with masks basically." Ravanna replied.
"Weird ones, too. Why a masquerade may I ask?"
"They've been our tradition for generations! Someone gets married, promoted, special people like you, deat-- oh wait no, those are funerals." Sharena sighed.
"I just wanted to tell you this because I was going to go out of town to retrieve my dress, and I thought you may have wanted to join me. No pressure though."
"I suppose I could go with."
"Great! Now avoid everybody before we go. The party is in a few days and our ride should be here soon."
"Excuse you?"
"You heard what I said, loud and clear." Sharena did a little nudge. I stumble back. Man that was hard.
"Hmm, okay. I'll be right back." Ravanna opens the door to Sharena's room and then closes it from the other side. She trots to her room to grab bredablik, and to put it in her belt, just in case. But she came into her room and didn't expect to see a portal from another world open up, only to see it was hers. Ravanna's eyes went wide with the opportunity to leave this place, but she knew if she started something here she should finish it. She watched as the portal slowly closed, into oblivion. Her mood was instantly shaken. She went to her desk to retrieve bredablik, and meet up with Sharena once more.

Sharena awaited me outside of the castle, accompanied by a few guards and transportation. I follow Sharena into the 'vehicle' and before I knew it we were drifting further and further from the kingdom.
"So, what color is your dress Sharena?"
"It's blue actually. Not that fancy. I'm not much of a dress fan. Buuutttttt in the rules it strictly says every girl must wear a dress blah blah blah..." Sharena rambled on until I completely shut her out, just looking at the scenery.
"What dress will you get Ravanna?"
"Maybe a purple one."
"Ooh, that sounds great!"
"Whats Anna wearing?"
"Red, a perusual."
"I see."
"Mhm! We all have a distinctive color. But I have no clue what Alfonse is wearing. I would ask, but I'm busy with you!" Sharena gigged. Ouch?


"Your dress, Princess Sharena." The tailor handed Sharena the dress with pride as if he made it with his heart and soul.
"Why thank you!" Sharena exclaimed.
"Anything for you?" The tailor asked Ravanna.
"Do you have any purple gowns laying around?"
"I might have just one, let me check." The tailor dissappeared from the front into the back, and within no time, he came out with a beautiful plum dress, with topless sleeves that ended by the wrist, and black beads that line the designs of the dress. The bottom seemed flowy and wide, as if a wedding dress dipped in paint. Ravanna's eyes lit up and Sharena laughed.
"I'll take that one too!"
"No problem!"

Since we arrived back at the castle, Sharena hurried me to hang it up.
"We don't want anybody to see!" Sharena shushed. Sharena was planning something once more, and if you can't see it, I'm sorry, your blind.
"Oh, uhm, okay." Ravanna hung the purple gown in the closet as Sharena did to hers aswell. In the span of the five minutes she left, she heard a knock on the door. She opened the door only to see Alfonse.
"I was wondering if I could bring you somewhere if you don't mind." Alfonse asked. He didn't stutter this time.
"Sure, I'd love to." Ravanna said. She smiled at his words. Alfonse smiled back, and led her to an unknown place. It was behind the kingdom, a hilltop with a lone tree on it. Surrounding that lone tree were bushes among bushes with flowers decorating them. The forest was beyond that. Alfonse sat down next to the tree, and Ravanna followed shortly after her admiration.
They sat in silence for a minute. Ravanna looked at Alfonse and he moved as quick as a tiger, and was holding both of Ravanna's hands down into the grass. Gently, may I add. He asked soft but firm.
"Do you miss your homeland, Ravanna?" He asked.
"Would you go back if you had the chance?" He asked once more. This never came to her mind much more after the portal encounter. Where ever Alfonse was getting this from, was just astonishing.
"I already chose to stay, Alfonse." Ravanna replied with a smile.
He smiled back.
"Never leave us, not without warning me first."


Anna and Sharena waited for Ravanna to adjust her mask. It was a dark blue, almost black, that swerved to the side of her head. It ended mid-way to her nose. Her blonde hair complimented the outfit perfectly. Sharena, wearing a sky blue dress with a sky blue mask only covering her eyes, gasped. She looked at Anna, wearing only a red skirt with a beautiful red blouse, her mask as orange as the sunset with minor details.
"You look wonderful!" Anna gleamed. Sharena nodded.
"Why thanks, you two look lovely as well!" Ravanna complimented.
They said their thanks. The party was going to start soon. They helped set up a bit more, but she hasn't seen Alfonse around. Strange.
The party began, and a bunch of heroes showed up. Such as the 'pacifist' heroes. The hoshidian family, and a few more from awakening, not to mention the three heroes she has summoned thus far. The rest were villagers of the sorts, and few royalty. Sharena got caught up talking to Hinoka, the pegasus rider from the Hoshidian family. Ravanna over heard something about spears. She closed her eyes and smiled. What a wonderful party. She opened her eyes to see a man wearing all black, and a black mask to cover his face-the same as hers. Shocked by the realization, she scanned the person only realizing that it was indeed Alfonse. She could tell by the blue hair.
"Good afternoon, Ravanna. You are looking stunning today."
She blushed. Good thing he couldn't see behind her mask.
"Thanks, I say the same to you." She replied back with a smile. Sharena immediately stops talking with Hinoka, and Hinoka walks off to talk with somebody else. Sharena sees between a crowd that Alfonse and Ravanna were speaking with eachother. Oddly enough, Anna popped through and whispered to Sharena "Let's get this over with already!"


Sharena asked them to cue the music, and everyone started to pair up and dance. Sharena went with Anna, only for certain purposes, and other heroes went with other heroes, like Robin and Chrom. Alfonse completely froze and Ravanna stood still. He mustered up the courage.
"Would you like to have this dance, Lady Ravanna?"
"It would be my pleasure."
The two danced elegantly. Surely enough Anna and Sharena got close enough to observe them. They were having fun so she shot Anna a look. It was time to have their own fun. They switched dancing partners and danced the rest of the night away. After the dancing, the Commander and royal family were called upon stage to say thier thanks to Ravanna. Anna went first. "I was in such need of help, and pop! There comes this lady out of nowhere, destined to help me. I must say I was confused. She didn't look like a hero." Some laughed. Embarrassing. "But boy was I wrong. She never gave up hope on me. She learned to use heroes with such haste, it scares me sometimes. You will join us in our victory, won't you, Ravanna?" Anna cheered. Ravanna held her hand up in recognition. Alfonse and Sharena's speeches were much like Anna's. But the party lasted a bit longer until it was midnight, and everyone started for home. Ravanna stayed to help clean up, and so did the trio. They cleaned the tables and chairs, and helped place them back into their held positions. Sharena and Anna head up to bed quickly. As Alfonse escorted Ravanna to her room, her took his mask off and looked her into the face. Ravanna stared back. He removed her mask gently and told her something she would never forget.

"I think I'm falling for you, Ravanna."


Those words stuck. She didn't know what to say. She just looked back at him.
"And someday, I want to open the way to you're world. We can go there together." Alfonse replied smiling. Ravanna blushed and immediately hugged Alfonse. He flinched at first, but she felt his arms wrap around her back. He whispered something softly.

"I won't let anything happen to you. Even if my life depended on it."

But that was to be forgotten.

AU: I sure hope you guys know that time does pass more and more between chapters, so its been awhile since Ravanna first got here. And yes, everything seems so happy and jittery and la dee da la but it won't be like that soon. Remember. The summary isn't dramatic just for that.

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