Chapter 14; Freakout

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AU; wow almost 100 views excuse me

Ah, the day we go to the beach. How exciting.
"Watch your step, Ravanna." Alfonse told me as he guided me down the sand.
I gladly accepted his hand.
Sharena ran for the ocean. She tripped and caught a face full of sand.
I laughed.
Anna laughed.
Alfonse laughed harder than us.
Sharena said something but we couldn't hear it. I'm sure it was something to threaten us though.
After we found a good spot, I sat down criss cross and summoned everyone. Half wearing swimsuitd like I asked, half not even prepared for the occasion.
I sighed.
"I told you all to get ready."
Alfonse sat down next to me, and held my hand.
He looked out into the sky. He smiled. He looked back at me.
"Maybe one day we can go further then the beach, just you and me." He said.
He gave my hand a tight squeeze. I squeezed back and giggled.
"Is this time not enough?" I replied.
He laughed.
"Of course not. Its just enough for me to fall for you twice."
I blushed.
I stood up and brushed the sand off of my legs. I stood up and cleared my throat. Nobody seemed to notice.
Anna put her hand on my shoulder.
"I got this."
Not what I was going for, but okay.
Everyone looked at me, and waitied for me to reply.
"Thank you, Anna. But I wanted to tell you all that I will be expecting a child soon." I announced confidently.
Everyones reactions had me wheezing. I didn't think I was gonna live through them all.
"Hair braiding..." Sharena whispered.
Chrom slapped Alfonse hard on the back.
"You're a father now! Chromgrats!"
"I didn't.. even.. know." Alfonse muttered. The back slapping continued.
Alfonse sobbed. I don't know if it was the backslaps or the pun, or the child.
"Hey, can I do their hair?" Takumi asked.
A blur of blonde takes him down.
I don't bother. Sharena;;
Leo erupts into laughter as Takumi tries to get Sharena off him.
"I never thought Alfonse would have kids before me. Hmph. I lost the bet." Anna remembered.
"Oh! Now I won't be able to smother you in my hugs anymore. How foolish!" Camilla said.
Azura and Corrin clapped. Like normal people.
"Damn, one lady is already taken. Oh well, that shortens that." Laslow said.
"When can I teach swearwords?" Sully asked.
"Never." Alfonse replied as quickly as he could. It came out in a jumble. His eyes were red and he almost fell over.
"Okay. Around 10." Sully answered her own question.
I tried to help Alfonse up but I fell over myself.
We laughed at eachother. His eyes were still puffy though. Poor thing.
"Anyways, lets have some fun, shall we?" I said, declaring the beach day.
Anna was sitting around getting a drink, doing nothing. Enjoying the scenery.
I was trying to play volleyball. Alfonse was constantly watching over me.
Chrom didn't leave him alone. But Alfonse finally got used to it and started taking tips from him.
Something hit Anna in the head. Everybody stopped what they were doing.
".. who threw that..?" Anna asked. Outraged.
Lucina began to run.
"RUN LUCINA!" Chrom screamed.
Anna bolted after her, dropping her drink behind her.
I clapped.
Corrin nudged me.
"Is Anna always that scary?" She asked me.
"Hmm.. not when it comes to spiders." I whispered.
She took note.
After playing a few rounds of volleyball with Kagero and Elise, I grew tired.
I put my hands on my knees and bent down.
"Oh jeez, that did a number on me. Ow,  ow ow. My back. Yep." I said.
Alfonse rushed over and helped me up.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Here, sit down." He said in a worried tone.
"Calm down, Alfonse, please." I said.
He sat me down on the bench. He sat down next to me.
"Howcome you didn't tell me sooner?" He asked. He fixed his prosthetic hand while asking.
I shrugged.
"Because I just found out earlier today, too." I answered.
He pulled me into a hug.
"Hmmm, well lets see. What are we going to do? Were gonna be parents for chris sakes." He asked me.
I laughed.
"We'll be the best parents though. But you gotta ease up a bit." I replied.
"Best. Sure." Alfonse said.


We returned to the party, hand by hand. We sat down and just watched the beauty of all my friends and fellow allies.
Leo and Ryouma were talking. Strange.
Takumi and Tharja were laughing at Lucina and Anna running around.
Kagero was trying to do Sakura's hair while Elise was doing Kagero's. She seemed genuinely happy.
Camilla was talking to Sharena. I think about braiding aswell.
Azura and Corrin were dancing in sync, while Chrom and Robin were laughing. Sully and Mae were cursing at each other. This time, the cursing wasn't directed at me. From any of them. What a relief. I didn't stop them  they seemed to get a good kick out of how many horrid insults they can call eachother. Laslow sat with Catria and talked to her a bit. She didn't mind to reject him, and actually talked to him. Which was nice for a change.


We decided to call it a day and return home to the kingdom. I relaxed in the study hall, it was nice just to read.
Alfonse walks in and sits behind me.
"What are you doing?"
"Braiding you're hair."
I giggled.
"And why is that?"
He didn't answer.
It was about five minutes of pure silence and me just reading.
I heard the clanking of Alfonse's prosthetic hand and his real one.
"There." He said.
I turned around and looked at him. He seemed uncomfortable.
"I can feel knots in my hair, sweetie." I said.
He sighed.
"I made a mess. With your hair. I admit it. By accident. I'm sorry." He said.
I laughed and gave him a kiss.
"You really are an idiot aren't you? Make it up to by reading me to sleep like you once did before." I replied.
"Okay, hand me a book."
I gave him the book I was reading. I rested my head on his shoulder, following along with the story and the deep tone of his voice.
As he was reading, I was playing with his hair.
He read for maybe an hour before I dozed off.
He closed the book and carried me to our room.
"Goodnight, my dear Ravanna."


Maybe a few months laterrr?
Today was a usual day. Only difference being is that Alfonse, never. Left my side. But, I still love the goof so I'll let it slide. We went on patrol together, checking in on everybody. Everyone was good. Except the point that I saw Takumi and Tharja holding hands..
(Please don't kill me i think their cute together)
I shrugged it off and walked past them. After all, I couldn't blame them. Although I'm sure Tharja always said that love was fake. Shes going against her own words.
Alfonse led me to the tree we used to sit by.
We sat down and talked to eachother about baby names.
"What if, it was a boy?" I asked him.
"Hmm, maybe Anthony, I don't know. I'm not very good at names." Alfonse replied.
"I think Anthony is a great name!" I exclaimed. I really did like that name.
"But, we know that its a girl, so we have to think girl names." Alfonse said.
I stopped to think about this.
I looked at my stomach and looked up.
"I have no clue." I said. I rested my head in his lap.
He played with my hair.
"Maybe, Lucinda. Lucinda is a good name, don't you think?" He asked me.
I touched the hand he was using to mess with my hair.
I sat up and looked at him. He looked at me.

"Lucinda is a beautiful name."
Alfonse kissed me.

"Lucinda it is, then."

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