Chapter 24; Oh

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Takumi's P. O. V.
"Why are you crying?" I asked him.
He looked up at me and started laughing.
"Takumi, don't you get it? We're parents now."
(AU: gay baby magic happened, dont question.)
I gave him a light smile.
"Yeah, we are. You'll wake them up, so be quiet will you?" I hushed.
He lunged for me.
He hugged me for a long time.
I hugged him back.
"I get to spend the rest of my life with you, Takumi. With you." He repeated, still crying.
"You're such a softie. Please calm down." I asked him.
"We aren't even married yet?!" He asked me.
"Didn't we already plan that?" I responded.
"I think, yeah. In a week." He sniffed.
"Okay, you're hurting me, get off." I pleaded.
He just held on tighter.
"Ill slam you into the kids if you don't get off of me." I threatened.
He didn't get off.
"Okay, I was joking, but Ill throw you somewhere." I replied.
I got up from the chair by the crib, and slammed Leo onto the bed.
He hit it with a thud and a yelp.
"Okay, okay! I give up being stubborn, that really hurt." He replied rubbing his head.
I crossed my arms.
"Pathetic." I said laughing.
Leo sat up and brought me down with him. He hugged me.
"Enough with the hugs!" I pleaded.
"No, I love you too much. Takumi, I vowed to spend the rest of my life with you. Did you not prepare for me to be clingy?" He asked me with a smirk.
I replied with a simple nod.
"We also promised not to break anymore bowls while making out." I reminded him.
"We already broke like what... 7?" He asked me.
"Yeah. Too many."
I gave him a smile.
"I love you, Leo."
"I love me too." Leo said with a smirk.
I got ontop of him and kissed him.

Cordelia's P. O. V.
We're gonna go back in time, few months ago. The day of Lucina's birthday party.
"Okay, she slept in again, this is good. We have time to set up." Chrom whispered to me.
I nodded with an intentful smile.
He winked at me and we creeped up the stairs.
We had to get a lighter from the closet.
He opened the closet door slowly, and searched for the lighter.
"Got it." He whispered back.
I motioned for him to rush past her door.


We got outside with the cake.
He lit the candles. She was, 19 now.
"Never too young for this." I replied with a chuckle.
"She loves these candles." Chrom said, smiling.
Tears started forming out of his eyes.
"Chrom.." I trailed off and hugged him.
He hugged me back.
"I'm just so happy, she finally has a mother. She won't ask for one anymore." He whispered.
"I know, you big goof. Now lets wake her up." I replied.


"Pssssssssst. Luciiinnnaaaaaaaaaaaa." Chrom whispered.
"Hngh." Escaped Lucina.
I readied the water gun.
Chrom readied his.
We both shot at Lucina. She screeched.
She screamed.
Chrom and I highfived.
"Get up, its time to, its 2 pm." I laughed.
She shrugged.
"Sleeping late is nice. Give me five."
"Okay, sweetie. Meet us in the back." Chrom said.
"Okay." She replied yawning.


She walked outside to the back and saw us waiting.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" We both screamed.
Lucina gave us a warm smile.
She took a seat infront of the birthday cake.
"Shouldn't I eat breakfast, or even lunch first?" She asked Chrom.
"No, not in this household. We are pure chaos." He told her.
They exchanged winks.
She blew the candles out.
She closed her eyes and wished.
She opened them, teary.
"Whats wrong, Lucina?" Chrom asked her.
"Nothing." She said and wiped her tears.
She sniffed and smiled.
"I have a gift for you. No, its not another frisbee. And not a training dummy. Those are pathetic." He said.
"Then what did you get me?"
"Well, uhm, I didn't actually get you it." Chrom said scratching his head.
"Man, Chrom is such a silly. Lucina, Chrom told me you've always wanted a mother." I started.
"Chrom and I talked this over, and from now on, you can call me mom." I said with a smile.
Lucina bursts into tears.
"I HAVE A MOM! MOM!" She cried.
She flew out of her chair and hugged me tight.
"Thank you so much." She cried.
I laughed.
"Its okay, don't thank me. I want to be here for you and you're father."

Leo's P. O. V.
I held little Forrest in my arms.
Takumi held Kiragi.
"You know, I wonder which one will be as stupid as you." Takumi told me.
I grunted.
"I bet Kiragi."
"I was kidding, Leo. Why?"
"I was too. Can you sense sarcasm?" I said with a laugh.
He started laughing too.
"Leo, if something ever happens to me, you wouldn't leave them, right?" Takumi asked.
"Of course not. Why such a foul question? We have alot of time to spend together. We aren't even 30. Don't dare try to push it." I threatened.
"Okay, okay. Hey, we should go to the park." Takumi suggested.
"Ok." I replied.


I sat on the swings while Takumi was up in the playground, watching over them.
I started swinging.
"Aren't you a bit old for that?" Takumi yelled over to me.
"No! Never!" I yelled back and stuck my tongue out.
He rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at me too.
I got off the swing and ran over to Takumi.
"I realized I'm missing our kids play, and we didn't bring a camera. Takumi." I informed him.
He slapped himself on the head.
"Don't say that around the kids!" I hushed him.
Takumi smothered me.
"Ill choke you. Hypocrite."
I freed from his grasp and pushed him against the pole of the playground and kissed him.
"We shouldn't be fighting, sweetheart. The kids are infront of us." I said with a smirk.
Takumi blushed.
"Okay, okay." He gasped.
I let go of him and laughed.
"Look!" Takumi whispered.
Forrest poked Kiragi with a woodchip.
Forrest immediately began to cry.
"Oh gods." Takumi said and rushed over to pick up Forrest.
I sat down and Takumi sat down next to me.
He kissed his forehead and tried playing with his hands. Forrest started laughing.
Takumi looked at me.
"You know, I couldn't ask for anything better." He told me with a warm smile.
I smiled back.
"Neither could I."
I kissed him on the lips and went to pick up Kiragi.
It was gonna rain soon.

Azura's P. O. V.
"Corrin! Look! Its raining again!" I said.
She stared out the window.
"Ah, and?" She asked me.
"Take you're reading glasses off! Lets go enjoy the rain!" I exclaimed.
I grabbed her hand and ushered her outside.
"Wait! Not again!" She yelled.
I brought her into the middle of the street.
"Trust me." I whispered.
I held her hands.
I danced in a circular motion. Corrin just watched.


Not long after, Corrin and I were both singing in the rain.
I couldn't help but laugh.
Corrin spun me and we both dropped onto the grass.
She looked at me and I looked at her.
"Your so beautiful in the rain, Azura." Corrin told me, brushing my hair with her fingers.
I grabbed her hand and placed it on my cheek.
"And your as charming as ever, Corrin." I gleamed.

Kagero's P. O. V.
I saw Laslow running. There was a moth coming right after him.
"GET IT AWAY!" He screamed.
I decided to be noble and catch the moth. Poor Laslow never saw it coming.
I held the moth in my palms, and released it out the window.
I looked back at Laslow, who was panting.
"Thank you so much, Kagero. I would hit on you but, you're one of the more deadly girls." He said with a wink.
I smiled.
"Thats very curteous of you, Laslow." I said politely.
I sat down next to Laslow.
He ran his hand through his hair.
"Hey, you're scarf looks different. Did it die?" He asked.
"What a stupid question. It was burnt. Oboro made me a new one." I said.
"Oh, sorry to offend you. Didn't you say your brother gave it to you?" He asked once more.
"... Yes he did." I hesitated to answer.
"It was very hard to say goodbye to him." I told Laslow.
He looked down and chuckled.
"I know that feeling all too well, Kagero. Saying goodbye is the worlds cruelest. I've lost people dearly close to me, all from saying a single goodbye. You dont know the meaning of    ' goodbye, I love you' until that person passes. Trying to pick up girls, and being outgoing is my mask. Thank goodness, in this world, I still have my mother. I didn't lose her, not yet." He said with a smile.
"I'm very sorry, Laslow. Perhaps I can repay you with taking you out to tea." I asked him.
"Quite funny, usually I'm the one who asks. But why not!" Laslow cheered.

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