What you wanted

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I'm back, just writing this after the first chapter was posted. Here we go.

Peridot began to get changed for her little party event that was in around an hour. She threw on some leggings and a black top, finish off her look with some green and black trainers. She texted Amethyst to ask where she would be.

Peridot: Hey Amethyst, when we get there, where will I find you?

She waited a few moments before the familiar ding was heard.

Amethyst: Sup, Peridactyl!? I'll probably be munching on some Chaaaps but Pearl, Ruby and Sapphire will probs be on the same floor. Oh yeah! Have you heard that new transfer student that came to this school. I heard rumours she isn't very friendly. Heard she literally punched someone into the air and then left then there. I think I know what she looks like, her name flew outta my head. Blue hair and eyes, looks dead on the inside and outside.

Peridot was curious about this new transfer student. And also terrified. Now that you mention it, Lapis... She was new wasn't she? She had blue hair and blue eyes. "Oh my stars.." Peridot came to the conclusion, she was living with someone who could fling her into the air.

Peridot: This girl wouldn't happen to be Lapis would it?

Amethyst: Peridot. You know her?! Oh snap P! You got some bad luck there... Where'd you meet her? You bump into her or something?

Peridot gulped as she turned to her room mate, who was intensely staring at her and the bright light from her phone. She whipped her head back round and texted Amethyst with her fingers shaking.

Peridot: She's my new room mate.

Amethyst: WAIT WHAT?! What the snap, that's some bad luck you got. Why don't you invite her to the party, it'll be fun.

Peridot cringed at how Amethyst was acting, didn't she know that Lapis could fling her fists at someone so easily? She decided to play a lie and reply to her.

Peridot: She said she wouldn't.

Amethyst: Fine, whatever she says, but I'll meet you there P!

Peridot: Yeah, bye.

She turned off her phone and looked at Lapis, she was still looking at her. "Are you okay?" Peridot asked her, uncomfortably, Lapis pointed to her top. Peridot glanced down and blushed. "Ah! I-I didn't know!!" She said embarrassed. Her shirt was inside out, usually it would be fine just putting a top on but Peridot didn't have a clue why it happened like that. She quickly rushed to the bathroom and immediately took it off and flipped it right. She sighed in relief and opened the door and looked at Lapis, she was on her phone again. Peridot had realised that her roomie hadn't eaten since she got there, 'Maybe she ate before she came here? No, she couldn't have. She's been drinking water like crazy.' None the less, Peridot brought out a packed lunch that was meant to be for tomorrow, but she decided she would go to the canteen instead. Peridot walked up to Lapis and smiled as she handed her a sandwich and chocolate bar. Lapis looked at her for a moment before pushing the food away, the blonde looked concerned. "Come on, Lapis. You look like you haven't eaten the whole day." She spoke, Lapis froze for a second before turning away, "And I haven't eaten at all yesterday either." She said, making Peridot 100% more concerned for her.

Lapis, hadn't eaten for two whole days. She couldn't, actually. Both her parents died, she never knew any relatives so she struggled on her own. The only reason she got by was because she was smart in the main subjects which got her places in various schools. She'd been living off what her parents had given her, that was for around 2 years, now she was running low. She tried applying for a job, she was fired from all of them because of her short temper to customers. Now she just couldn't be bothered to eat, she had her water which she would run on. The fact she told Peridot made her feel all more stupid.

"Lapis, you haven't eaten... In two days? That... Lapis, you need to eat." Peridot cried out to her. But, the blue haired girl kept pushing it away, over and over again. The blonde gave up, standing up and placing the food on the table next to Lapis' bed. Sighing, she gave one more plead to her room mate. "Please Lapis. I know I've just met you but I can't let you do this to yourself. Even if it's just the chocolate bar. I'm concerned." She spoke gently.

"Don't be. I've just met you and I already don't like you." Lapis replied with utter hate. This made the other girl flinch and take her phone out, texting Amethyst and shoving the phone back in her pocket as she left the room. Lapis groaned, 'Finally she's gone...." she glanced to the side of her bed where the table was. She didn't understand why. But she really hated Peridot. She grabbed a nearby bin and dropped the sandwich and chocolate bar in as she went off to sleep.


Peridot glanced at the time. 10:57PM. It was nearly 11 and she knew the party wasn't going to be done for another good few hours. She sighed as Amethyst ran up to her with a bottle of Vodka and gulped it down as she swung her arms around Peridot. "Yo! P-dotttttt.... How you doinnnn?" She slurred out. Peridot gagged at the sudden stench of alcohol coming from Amethyst who handed her the bottle, "No thanks...." She said simply, Amethyst in turn shrugged and went off to Pearl. Peridot glanced at her actions towards her room mate, who also looked concerned for the actions of the girl who reeked of alcohol.

"Hey Pearrrlllll! Wanna drinkkkk?" The light purple haired girl asked, nearly falling over. Pearl immediately went to catch her but luckily she didn't fall. The strawberry blonde sighed and held Amethyst's hand as they went to sit down. "Look, Amethyst... Aren't you drunk enough already? Maybe we should get going , we have school tomorrow." Pearl reasoned, she was genuinely saying this because her and Amethyst were friends for the longest time ever. The other girl replied after a slight hiccup, "Come onnn, its study period first so we can ditchhhh. Just one more hour and then we'll go." She began, saying the last sentence somewhat normally. Pearl gave in and Amethyst began to cuddle with her best friend. Pearl blushed lightly as Amethyst was unaware of her actions.


Peridot came home at 11:25, sober and fine. Except her head hurt like crazy from the smell of alcohol being the only thing she could smell since 7. She opened the door as quietly as she could and saw Lapis sleeping peacefully with no blanket. Peridot thought she would give Lapis hers since she looked kind of cold, a thin shirt and shorts weren't something you would want to wear in winter. Peridot lifted her blanket on top of Lapis before she was startled. "I don't want it." She said with the same harshness as before. Peridot laid it on her anyway and before she could turn away the blanket was shoved in her face by an angry Lapis. "If I say I don't want it. I. Don't. Want. It." She said with rage, emphasising every word. She growled and went back to sleep, Peridot nearly tripped over an item on the floor. It was the bin. She looked in it and was nearly heartbroken to see her food she gave up in the bin. Peridot fell asleep with a sinking feeling.

"I'll never be friends with her."

I'm sorry for the chapter having so much 'Lapis evilness' and not enough Pearlmethyst or Rupphire. But I promise it's coming up soon.


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