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Lapis' heart was drumming in her chest, what would she do if Peridot decided to confess? She didn't know, she was terrified, she wasn't ready? Or was she? She didn't know, she couldn't think straight, well that made sense since she wasn't. That was a terrible joke at a terrible time, everyone could see the stress of Lapis' face, but they still listened intently to Peridot and Garnet inside.

'I...I might..? I felt so upset and angry at whoever hurt her,' Peridot continued to talk, and Garnet listened, and everyone outside did the same, Lapis leaned against Pearl's shoulder, and Pearl could feel how hot the blue haired girl's face was and smiled down at her.

'Peridot, I know Lapis. She had a hard time showing her affection to people because she's scared of getting hurt. You should give her some time first, then you can tell her.' Garnet said, she wanted both of her friends to be happy, but she knew she shouldn't rush it. Or else their future wouldn't turn out great, she knew that. It was like with Sapphire and Ruby, she was really close to both of them, so just a little push was able to set them off, and it would be the same with Lapis and Peridot.

Peridot soon walked out of the room and Garnet was able to let the gang back in, and they almost screamed in unison as Lapis panicked.

'SHE LIKES YOU SHE LIKES YOU SHE LIK-' Steven almost screamed too loudly until Connie hushed him down and pointed over to Lapis, who was sitting on the bed with her hands on her face. She didn't know what she would do, she always admired her roommate as just a friend but she never expected Peridot to feel anything more than that towards her. She wondered when she felt like this, was it when they were making the bot together? Or when they had their moments in their dorm just hanging out and watching things? She wasn't so sure and she was scared of it, how long has it been and how long has she forced Peridot to keep quiet about it?

'God she likes me, oh stars.' Lapis was freaking out, and everyone could see that, Amethyst looked at Pearl and took her hand, they just hoped Lapis would be okay. Garnet came up to Lapis and patted her head, 'You know you like her back, you should act on it sometime soon.' She said, Lapis was going to cry. She wasn't used to feeling loved or the fact that she wouldn't have to be alone if she was with Peridot. It scared her, but she did feel safe with her small friend, it made her happy, she really loved her, but she didn't know how to act on it.

They all looked at her and smiled, Lapis stood up with them and held her hands out, she wanted a hug. She needed it, the validation by her friends and they all pulled her into a group hug. She was crying fully now, she didn't need a slap or bad memories to do so, she felt so strongly for Peridot and it was building up to this point. She wanted to tell her that she felt the same, but she couldn't, she didn't feel like it was time. It was too rushed, it was all too much, it couldn't happen yet, Lapis wasn't in the right mindset.

'I..I don't think I can tell her yet...I'm not ready.' Everyone looked at her when she said that and looked at her, they understood and they were happy she at least came to terms with her feelings. They let go of her and realized how late it was, almost 11pm. All of them had class in the morning so they quickly gathered themselves, giving their regards to Lapis and leaving her and Garnet in the room. She sighed again and began to walk to the door, 'Thank you Garnet, I guess you were right about this.' Garnet laughed at the statement, looking to Lapis.

'Of course I was.' Garnet said, she was right though, she has never been wrong about anything in the time that they've known each other. Lapis smiled back and finally left the room, walking back slowly. She couldn't leave campus now that it was definitely too late to go outside, so she decided to sit near the end of the hall which had a vending machine fit inside. She picked out a snack of coke and chips before sitting down and eating it, she had to think of something to do about Peridot. She had to keep in mind that her roommate knew nothing about her knowing, if she ever said anything about it then it was game over. She drank her coke before sighing and slouching in her seat, wondering about what she could do. She wasn't tired, just overwhelmed. Lapis didn't want to bother going back to the dorm, she knew Peridot would be waiting for her and she wasn't ready for that conversation.

She thought of how Peridot would confess, would it be tomorrow? Next week? She was ultimately scared about the whole ordeal, she couldn't break her best friends heart, she just couldn't for both of their sakes. Coming to terms with her feelings was something she hadn't done since her parents had died, but then she was forced to get over her feelings, in this situation, she had the time she needed. All she had to do was get her thoughts together and it would be okay.

She found herself snoozing off to sleep in the hallway, but she was too tired to realize this and fell asleep anyway. Her soft snores quietly echoed around the room but no one was around to tell her or wake her up.

When she woke up the next day, it was only 6am and she had class at 8am, she walked over to her dorm and opened the door, she could see Peridot jolt awake as if she was waiting for Lapis and Lapis regretted it.

'Lapis..We need to talk.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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