Okay fine!

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So um, reaaaaally long holiday huh? If you stayed, thank you.

"They.... They started insulting me... Saying the only reason they asked me out was because I seemed different. So they wanted to confront me. P-Peridot...T-they scared me.." The blue haired girl cried out, causing her roommate to feel nothing but despair for her. Peridot took Lapis to the bed and sat her down, wrapping an arm on her shoulder as she looked at the time.

"You should get to sleep..." Peridot whispered gently, wanting to make her voice calm and collected. On the inside though, her anger was a fuelled bomb about to blow, an easy detonation setting her off at any point. Lapis clenched the shirt of the blonde, actually in shock about how much her roommate cared. However, she shook her head, 'I'm not tired. I'd rather stay here with you for now.' Lapis definitely did feel terrible about not being able to tell Peridot what was going on.

She sniffed again as Peridot watched her, a hand gently cupping Lapis' face, 'Don't cry..Please, they weren't worth it, whoever they were..'

'Is there something wrong with me..? Lapis asked, dread filling Peridot up, there wasn't anything wrong with Lapis, there could never be something wrong with her. Peridot loved her, so she wasn't sure if she was just blinded by affection towards her, but there wasn't anything wrong with her. 'No! There isn't, why would you think that? Y-you're perfect, I think you're perfect at least, you make me smile a lot. I admit that I wasn't so happy when I found out you weren't taking care of yourself, but you've grown,' Peridot smiled at Lapis, taking her hand and blushing, 'you saved me, you made me feel whole again, I didn't find myself having a roommate in the first place, let alone the girl Amethyst had to warn me about. But Lapis, I'm so glad I met you.' She finished, she looked at Lapis for her reaction, the blue haired girl was just looking down, smiling and chuckling to herself.

'Thank you, Peridot, I appreciated this, I really needed it, thank you. I think I'm just going to go for a walk.' She said, Peridot nodded and walked her out of the door. Lapis took her into a hug, wrapping her arms around the blonde who started to feel her cheeks heat up again. When Lapis was out of sight, Peridot slammed the door back shut, crawling under her covers and screaming into a pillow, 'OH GOD SHE'S GOING TO KNOW I LIKE HER,' she was almost in tears, 'THIS IS TERRIBLE.'

Lapis ran back to the dorm where her other friends were staying, her cheeks were flushed from running and she decided to lay off of the sodas for the time being. She pretty much burst through the door and everyone looked at her, giving knowing looks as she groaned, 'This doesn't mean she likes me.' She tried to say, everyone flashed her an eyebrow and she covered her already red face up. 'Uh, yeah she does Lapis, like a lot, did you hear what she said??' Amethyst said to the blue haired girl and smiled as she said it, Garnet patted the spot next to Lapis as she sat down.

'So, what will you say to her?' Pearl asked, clearing the silence, honestly Lapis is didn't really know. She wasn't sure of her feelings to Peridot, even after months of knowing her she didn't want to rush into anything crazy. She was alone most of her life, she didn't really care or want a relationship until this point, like she was forced to choose.

'I-I don't kn-'

'Hey...Garnet..? Are you um, there?' A familiar voice called out, oh stars, it was Peridot. Everyone in the room panicked and looked at Garnet, Peridot must've wanted to get some advice. Garner held a finger to her mouth to try and keep everybody calm, she opened the window from her room and ushered everybody outside, leaving it open so they can hear what would go on.

Garnet opened the door and welcomed in the shorter girl into the dorm, exchanging hellos between each other. She made Peridot sit on the floor opposite of her, smiling as everyone else listened intently outside. 'What brings you here Peridot? You looks stressed.' Garnet said, making the other girl look down and take in a deep breath. Peridot didn't especially want to admit it, because she would be so embarrassed if the secret got out, but she knew her friend wouldn't tell anybody.

'Lapis um...Lapis had a date today, she came back crying....I said some really dumb things to try and comfort her, but now i'm scared that she might think I like her..' She said, Garnet raised an eyebrow, and then she put a hand on Peridot's shoulder, leaning in and making her eyes visible from the top of her visors, 'Do you?'

Peridot gulped again, her throat felt dry and she could feel her heartbeat blast through her chest that maybe the entire college could hear it. She knew Garnet was waiting for an answer, so she just nodded, 'Yeah..I do.' She then heard something, she swore she heard something outside.

Outside, everybody was intently listening and sharing glances with Lapis, who was up against the wall and looking down. She didn't know what she would do if Peridot really did like her, would she like her back? No no, does she like her back? She couldn't tell, she was definitely close to her dorm mate, and they shared their moments, and she enjoyed them. But she always brushed them off as friends, but Peridot took it differently. When Peridot confessed that she liked Lapis, everyone turned to Steven after he gasped quite noticeably and stayed deathly still. The blue haired girl blushed so brightly that Pearl swore she was the same shade of Ruby's bandana.

'Is..There something wrong?' Garnet asked, trying to keep the situation under control, Peridot snapped from her fixated look on the window, she shook her head quickly, 'No! Nothing at all...' She replied, Garnet smiled again at her.

'Are you going to tell her?'



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