You're gonna what?

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Hello, and fyi this isn't going to be completely Pearlmethyst painted. Lapidot and slight mentions of Stevonnie are introduced.

"An idea?" Peridot asked. Lapis walked over to her box of materials for droids and spoke, "Let's make a droid for them. It'll be great! There'll be music and everything for them. We can snapshot some pics when they're together and small videos for them!" She suggested. Peridot looked in awe and said, "Yeah..." and took out her paper as she sketched bits and bobs, Lapis improving her ideas until the early morning. When the two fell asleep it was 6 AM and they both just collapsed on the floor actually.

Peridot laying on top of Lapis in a somewhat comfortable position as the two slept. The droid sat on the table, a purple and white pattern decorating it and various songs by different artists download. All they needed was pictures that they could get from some people and one or two videos of them together.

Peridot awoke first and honestly wasn't at all surprised at the position of the two, in her opinion she was pretty chill about it. All she did was leap up on her bed with a yelp and hide under the covers. Lapis then stirred and arose from the floor, she looked up and Peridot who was blushing slightly, "You were on top of me again?" Peridot nodded in response and the blue haired girl chuckled. "I'll go and text Garnet if she has anything for the two. It's 2PM so she should be awake." Peridot informed Lapis, she nodded in agreement and switched her phone on. Scrolling thought some social media apps, she could see Rose posted a photo of her giving Greg a kiss. Lapis' heart sank as she remembered Pearl. She read her new friend's caption and it read.

'I finally did it, he said yes! Super happy right now. Thank you to a special someone who gave me the guts to say it to him!'

She jumped up and showed Peridot who immediately took her to Pearl and Amethyst's room. They felt guilty as they could already hear the screams and cries of their good friend, they didn't bother to knock as they opened the door and Amethyst whipped her head round, she was standing in front of the bathroom door with a sad and concerned face on. Peridot and Lapis looked at each other. "How loud is she in there? We could hear her perfectly clearly even outside the dorm." Lapis remarked, Amethyst shrugged as she banged on the door again, all the three could hear for bear moments where the sniffles of the girl in the bathroom. When she was ready to come out, Amethyst had tackled her down to the floor with a hug. Pearl looked startled but she returned the hug. Lapis took Peridot's shoulder and they both left the room. Leaving Amethyst and Pearl to sort out some feelings.

They helped each other out and walked to Pearl's bed. Amethyst grabbed some tissues before sitting on the bed and offered the box to Pearl, who took it gratefully and blew her nose into it. "You wanna talk about that photo?" Amethyst asked. Pearl looked a little sadder at the mention of that photo. "No, I've gotten over Rose."

"Since when?" Amethyst asked.

"Since I stopped crying. They're perfect together and I know I can't interrupt true love. Don't worry, I'm over her now, I realised who I really liked..." Pearl said. Amethyst's heart sank at the thought of Pearl falling in love again. The light purple haired girl, gave a heavy sigh and hugged Pearl. "Pearl, whoever you like now... I just want you to know. I love you. And I always will, so whoever you like, I'll support you."


-Two weeks time skip because relationships somehow develop quicker-

Peridot always knew that Lapis was great at relationship things, but when she even commented about Steven and his newly found friend Connie, she couldn't help but get slightly annoyed. Not annoyed at Steven and Connie's relationship, but that lately Lapis hadn't payed much attention to her. For now it's only been Lapis finding a way to get people together, Peridot found that fine but when it meant Lapis getting closer to everyone else then her, a tinge of jealousy wasn't easy to ignore.

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