It just hurts

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^I'm gonna put up some adorable Lapidot stuff for now, until I feel like drawing or whatever. Let's get it on!

It was the day of Lapis' 'date', and Peridot was not looking forward to it. Lapis was a great girl, she was cute, had a great personality once you get to know her, and was simply great to be around. Of course her date would go smoothly, it would lead to another, then another, then the dates would happen until a relationship formed. Then more dates, then engagement, then marriage.... Peridot didn't want that, of course she wanted the best for her dear roommate. However, letting Lapis go wasn't that simple at all. It was one of the harder things for her to do. Lapis grew immensely on her, unknown to said girl.

The bathroom door opened and stood the blue haired girl Peridot seemed to be thinking about, she wore dark denim shorts, a short white top and red sneakers (please see 2nd picture because idk how to describe clothing). Peridot blushed a bright red and immediately turned away, Lapis smiled slightly as she opened the door. "Alright Peridot, I'm heading off, I'll probably be back at 3." And with the last sentence, Lapis jogged out the door. Peridot orchestrated a few deep breaths, getting her face to her normal light colour and glued her hand to her chest. "Oh my stars... Lapis, I can't let you go." She said, wanting all the pain to just leave.


Lapis stopped jogging after her first turn, walking to Garnet's door and knocking on it. It was opened by her roommate, Malachite,who stepped out of the door after letting her in. "Thanks..." Lapis muttered, she never liked the thought of Malachite being a friend. Just because of her atmosphere. She stepped into the room and was greeted by a few 'hi's' or 'hey' from the others that were there. Ruby, Sapphire, Pearl, Amethyst and Garnet were in the room, in a full circle, with a piece of paper in front of them. It was the plan in front of them. Lapis was about to take another step when...

"RAAAAAGGHHHH!!" Steven and Connie stepped from behind the open door and pulled a face, they yelled to Lapis. Who wasn't scared, but pretended like she was. "AHH!! Gosh, you scared me, Steven, Connie." She smiled, pulling the most terrified face she could, it seemed like it worked. Steven and Connie high fived each other with fits of laughter. Lapis smiled at them, then she shut the door and walked over to sit in the circle.

"Explained the plan to them?" Lapis asked, everyone else nodding. Garnet smiled as she adjusted her glasses. "I told them that the plan should work, that's if you act right." She informed, the blue haired girl smiled as she nodded determinedly. Amethyst butt into the small conversation, "Come on guys! 3 hours isn't going to pass easily, lets play some truth or dare!!" She spouted out, everyone but Lapis knew what it meant for Amethyst to suggest the game; she knew something was up. "Sure!" Ruby chimed in, Steven and Connie joined the circle and they began to play.

"Ruby, truth or dare!" Amethyst said, Ruby thought for a few seconds before starting easy. "Uh... Truth."

Amethyst groaned. She wanted her to pick dare, but alas... "Okay... When did you start liking Sapphire?" She grinned. Ruby blushed and looked at her girlfriend, "Ah... T-two years ago?" She said honestly, avoiding her gaze with Sapphire and holding her stare at the floor. Everyone laughed at the reaction it had, even Amethyst was kind of happy that the headband wearing female had picked truth. Ruby stuttered before calling out, "P-Pearl! Truth or dare?" The taller girl clicked her tongue before replying, "Dare."

"Dare you to wear a sign that says, "I'm a dork" and wear it outside for 10 minutes, whilst you dance to the alphabet song." Ruby laughed, eventually everyone did whilst Pearl pulled an un approving face, but she did what she was told. She created a hand made sign as he stepped out with her phone, making sure she was outside. The others recorded the small show, making sure that Pearl was in position where some people around campus would walk past her.

Once the 10 minutes was over, the strawberry blonde haired female walked back in and sat down with a big blush on her face, the group having a wide grin on their faces. "Amethyst, truth or dare?" Pearl asked, Amethyst replied with a dare. This cycle continued until three hours had past.

"Lazuli, truth or dare?" Garnet asked, Lapis turned to her and said, "I pick dare."

"Dare you to go back to the room with this small recorder." Garnet said, already clipping on her shirt a barely visible device that Lapis figured would record the whole scene with Peridot live. "When you're done, say you're going to the bathroom and destroy it. We'll have the whole thing recorded and kept safe. All you need to do, is act sad." Garnet replied. Lapis let out a big sigh as she turned to her, "Slap me."

Everyone turned their attention to confusion at the request of Lapis. "I can't cry on my own, I need a slap and some bad memories. Garnet." Lapis asked for assistance in making herself cry, Garnet raised her hand and all that was heard was a most likely painful slap. It brought tears to the blue haired girls eyes and with some unhappy memories, her eyes had began to water and eventually fall. She began to cry tears and it looked as if she had gone through a terrible date.

She lead Lapis to the door as a few good luck notes were called to her, she waved goodbye and she strolled her dorm. Trying to keep the tears from falling, she slowly opened up her door, sniffling and wiping her nose as she came in. "Oh hey Lapis! How'd the date.... Go.... Lapis?! What did they do to you?!" Peridot cried, alarmed. She ran to the bathroom and stuffed Lapis' hands with tissue and the blue haired female wipes the tears away. She thanked Peridot and walked to sit on her bed. The blonde followed suit as she began to question what exactly had gone on during the leave of her room mate.

"So... What happened?" Peridot asked, she didn't know if Lapis was comfortable replying so she awaited for a sort of response.

Hey guys, I won't be able to update for a few days because I'm going on holiday. I'll be back with a new chapter as soon as I'm back!


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