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This is a college au story about Jason Todd and Tim Drake, with Birdflash, Superbat, and a couple of other ships in the background.

This story is from the point of view of Jason Todd, though every fifth chapter will be from the point of view of another character.

Trigger warnings include: mentioned past physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, mentioned past murder, mentioned kidnapping, mentioned disabled character(s), homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, and asexual characters, and maybe other things. I don't get triggered, so I'm not very good at figuring out what could potentially trigger others. If there is anything you notice that could be potentially triggering for yourself or others that isn't listed, let me know (not in the comments, in a message, please) so that I can make note of it here.

I have no plans for a sequel. If you have ideas for one or want to ask permission to write your own, you are more than welcome to ask.

Please be a decent human and don't plagiarize. If you want the story on a different/new platform, just ask, but it will but updated on AO3, Tumblr,  and at the same time as it is updated on here. You can find me on all the above platforms under the same username as here. Hit me up on tumblr so we can fangirl about Jason or Tim or JayTim or Dc or a whole lot of other things!

I'm open to translation offers, as long as you aren't just talking about google translating it. I could do that myself if I wanted. If you are actually fluent in the language, or if it is your native language (which is even better), then we can talk. That would actually be pretty cool.

This book has been completed. The only thing I do before publishing a chapter is a last grammar proof. I update a chapter every Tuesday, and, if you are lucky, I'll add an extra chapter on Thursday depending on how many views, comments, and/or votes I get. I can be bribed.

Enjoy the story!

Shakespearean - JayTim - Camp NaNoWriMo - July 2017Where stories live. Discover now