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"Mysterious as the dark side of the moOOOOON!"

Jason cringed as Tim sang along with the song he clearly knew by heart. Tim had decided it was about time they got around to the Disney movies and started with his favorite, Mulan. So far he'd sung the words of every song and had quoted a majority of the movie verbatim. It would be really annoying to Jason if 1) he wasn't used to it after more than 6 months of dating Tim, and 2) it wasn't so darn cute.

It had been more than half a year since the fiasco with Ra's. Jason had testified at his trial and he'd been locked away for life for murder, attempted murder, attempted rape, blackmailing, and a few other crimes that Babs had managed to dig up evidence for among Ra's' files and belongings.

Instead of getting his dorm room back with Roy, Jason just moved in with Tim, after having been invited by Tim, Bruce, Dick, Cassandra, Wally (who had also officially moved in only a week before Jason did), and even Alfred. When Alfred invites you to live at Wayne Manor, you live at Wayne Manor, no ifs, ands, ors, or buts. Jason hadn't wanted his job at the library back either, so he'd made do as a standardized patient (tricking Ra's had revealed to Jason that he was actually quite the actor), and he was set to be a TA for Clark when the new semester started that fall.

For now though, Jason was enjoying his summer at Wayne Manor, taking a break now that classes were over and reaping the rewards of winning the contest for journalism class. Apparently, he'd had the best final project out of all of Clark's classes (which was what qualified him to be a TA for him) and he'd taken second place in the official contest, receiving a cash prize of $1000, which really didn't go that far but was welcome nonetheless. Clark had pulled some strings with an online news journal he used to write for and got Jason's editorial published anyway, and awareness was spreading like wildfire. Two different news stations had asked him for an interview, and he had agreed on the condition that he would not be asked for any names other than his own in order to grant anonymity to Jen and other people who might either still be slaves or had managed to escape and might not want their names all over the TV.

He'd also been contacted by the FBI, who were trying to get as much information out of him as possible about his kidnappers, 'masters', clients, and anyone else he may have had contact with. It was hard, reliving it all so many times, but he knew it was doing good, so he kept at it.

Mostly though, he just spent time with Tim. After that day at the hospital, they'd had a couple disagreements here and there but they'd mostly just enjoyed their time together. They decided that they would each get counseling for their respective traumas, in order to try and be a little less broken, but neither thought they would ever really be whole again.

Jason was no better at paying attention to movies when he was watching them with Tim, though it was a little easier when Tim sat in his lap. Then he could still feel him, know that he was still there. He didn't have to look over every few seconds to reassure himself that, yes, this was real and Tim was his boyfriend.

If you had told eleven year old Jason, or twelve year old Jason, or even seventeen year old Jason, that he would be where he was with someone as amazing as Tim, he wouldn't have believed you. Because the life he was living was like a dream, and Jason had never believed that dreams could come true.

Until now.

A/N Aw, it's over. ToT I've had this image in my head of finishing this thing and then descending into oblivion and obscurity, and it's been slowly killing me. But that image is ridiculous, because I refuse to disappear from the wonderful realm of fanfiction. I have at least one or two more JayTim ideas that I'm thinking about developing, so maybe I'll see you guys around?

This has been a wild ride for me, and I really am so grateful to all of you amazing people who have been reading and commenting and giving me feedback. Thank you all so, so, so much, really!

Until next time, my frands.


Shakespearean - JayTim - Camp NaNoWriMo - July 2017Where stories live. Discover now