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This is a love story, and like many other love stories, this is rooted in tragedy. Lets see if this will end just fine.

The beginning of the story lies with Missy Holton, girlfriend of a very hot Racer, Ryan McAden.

All in all, she was sweet, beautiful and kind, almost perfect as others described her. She had dark brown straight hair, green eyes and an appeal that would make men go weak in ther knees whenever she passed by them. She was both a cheerleader and a ballet dancer that really made her popular. But that didn't matter, she remained down to earth despite her popularity.

While having a cheerdance competition one day, a guy with silky black wavy hair and stunning blue eyes approached her with a bouquet of Lilly of Valley and Forget-me-nots flowers in his hand. She was stunned by his presence since the guy who was standing next to her was Ryan McAden, a football player with a really hot ass, so as well, a damn hot racer who doesn't know how to lose a fight.

Since then, they started seeing each other during lunch breaks and after each other practices. They got really inseperable as months went by, planning where they would take college together. They were really in-love with each other until it happened.

Cheerdance competition started and her team were all prepared for this event. They're all aiming for the victory. They were in the middle of their performance when she was thrown in the air as she was at the top of 3 layers of cheerdancers, when suddenly, one of the arms that was supposed to catch her failed, then after, she was found on the ground, her head bleeding profusely.

"Call 911!" someone shouted.

Ryan, who was sitting on the bench, immediately stood up with eyes wide open and ran to the field to see how Missy was.

Pure Terror Now...

When he saw Missy, tears ran down his face. She was somewhat lying in a natural angle, though, one leg somehow looked bent. She was on her back. Her eyes wide open. He realized that something was wrong with her eyes. They seemed to be a carricature of the eyes of mannequin in a department store. Another thing that caught his attention, she didn't blink at all. And for the first time, he realized that she was already dead. Next thing that he did were to put his ear in her chest, put his hands on her mouth, then checked for pulse, Nothing.

Then, he collapsed. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe the fact that she was dead. He already knew that she died instantly from her fall. How could he continue to live his life without this girl?

He just stayed beside her until her body was being carefully lifted to a stretcher, then to the ambulance.

He staggered to his car thinking of following the ambulance but then, he started driving home because that was the place that he really needed to be. For one good reason, he didn't try to end his own life. Upon reaching home, he headed straight to his bedroom and thought he hadn't felt more exhausted in his life. He crawled into his bed then went to sleep.

He felt something terrible the moment he woke up. Memories flashed back, every detail of what happened. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't forget how Missy looked the moment he found her lying on the ground. He still didn't want to believe it. His heart started beating hard it felt it was about to be thrown out of his chest. He was somewhat praying that it was just a nightmare, that it really didn't happen.

But it did.

Minutes later, he went to take a shower knowing that it might help his mood to lighten up, it did somehow. He headed downstairs and found a newspaper in the dining table. He was then reading an article, the article about what happened in the cheerdance competition - what happened to Missy. He read every detail of it, every statements that witnesses had given.

Noone wanted this to happen.

It was an accident...

A horrible accident.

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