When Shes Jealous 【ʘ﹏ʘ】

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short brown haired sanic

You were out shopping with her, until 2 guys came up to you and started flirting with you. O_O

She noticed this, and said "Back off, shes mine.." she said harshly. The 2 boys ran off actually scared. You've never seen Tracer that harsh before. o-o

long brown haired gremlin

Remember that time at that korean convention? (check last chapter if you dont.)

blonde haired sexy thing

You were talking to Symmetra, and most guys liked her because of how sexy she was, Angela came to you and wrapped her arms around you. "Hey, Angie?" you were surprised, but she responded with, "Hello, Y/N." she was glaring and Symmetra. You were wondering why Symmetra looked so scared.

ummm... spider.

Widowmaker, you and another Talon agent named Nick were on a mission together. Nick was showing off to you, and at one point he kissed you. Oh no.. Widowmaker shot him in the head. You still love her tho :3

half-shaven hair fuck

Sombra got jealous when guys were commenting on your selfies like, 'Oh my god, shes sexy asf!!!!' or there was even this one guy who commented 'I wouldnt mind riding her ass ;)'. She ended up hacking all those guy's accounts.

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