You give her a nosebleed O_O

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[This one and the next chapter are inspired by somegirlwholikesgays.]


You and Tracer were shopping for clothes, and you wanted to try on a bikini.

You went to go change and when you came out and posed and said, "How do I look?" Tracer turned around and got a huge nosebleed, and you had to go get her tissues. 


You were showering and you decided to bring Hana with you.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). You took off all your clothes and got in and Hana did the same as you. You both were fine, until you slipped on the soap, and fell on Hana, and your crotches were touching. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). You looked at Hana to see her dazed, and having a huge nosebleed. (Im sorry XD)

doctor angel fucking hooker (idk xD this one is sexual too like the one above ^ )

You were having a checkup, and you needed to take your shirt off. You told Angela you weren't wearing a bra, but she said its okay. You took off your shirt and laid on the hospital bed.

"Alright, Y/N, I've got the--" she tripped and she had a face full of boob. O-o

heartless spider

(You never thought you'd see Widowmaker with a nosebleed, huh?)

You and Widowmaker were on a mission to assassin an omnic called Hero. You ran off the building by accident but she caught you with her right hand on your breast.



Sombra came home, and walked in your room and she said, "Y/N I got that videogame you always wanted--" she stopped due to you completely naked getting dressed, she got blood on the carpet, and you yelled at her to get out. You thanked her for the video games though.

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