She gives you a nosebleed :OOOOOOOO

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You and Tracer were at the beach, after she finally arrived she came back with a bikini on, that barely covered anything.

You had to go home, after that.


D.Va had prepared to go to Australia with you, and when you both got there, you two we're chatting, one of the branches went under her shirt, and lifted it over her head. To your surprise, she wasn't wearing a bra.



It was halloween, and you were dressed up as your favorite anime character (ITS NOT SCARY BUT ANIME IS AWESOME.) when Angela arrived to your house, you saw her in that witch skin.

You tried not to bleed throught your nose, but you couldn't help it. She laughed at you.

heartless spiderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

During a mission, you and Amelie got really sweaty. When you weren't looking, she grabbed the bit where her skin shoes and expanded the spandex a-bit. But you were watching EVERY MOVEMENT. (you perv -3-)

When she asked why your nose is bleding, you said you landed face first into the floor.


(i actually didn't know what to do for this one XD) Sombra was teaching you some hacking stuff, when she instructed you to hack her laptop. You went through her files to find nudes of her in on of them. She yelled at you until you left her house.

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