Under Construction

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Some spoilers from Jedi Apprentice.
No betas, therefore the mistakes are all mine.
See chapter one for disclaimers.

Qui-Gon was restless and he didn't know why. The day had gone well, all things considered. He had endured the crucible of the Council session and his padawan, Obi-Wan, was sleeping happily in his room just a few meters away; yet Qui-Gon was troubled.

Master and padawan had exchanged their pledges of instruction, loyalty, and obedience. Qui-Gon had given Obi-Wan the traditional haircut for human, male padawan learners and he had plaited Obi-Wan's braid while reciting the ritual words. The master and padawan then had cleaned up, eaten latemeal, and meditated together before Qui-Gon had insisted that his apprentice go to bed. Obi-Wan obeyed unenthusiastically, but dutifully; his excitement over the day's events only slightly outpaced by his fatigue.

Once the boy had gone to sleep, Qui-Gon found himself at loose ends. With a sigh, a shrug, and a weary shake of his head, Qui-Gon set himself to the task of brewing some tea. He was just adding the leaves when the door chime sounded.

"Come," he called from the kitchen. With a soft hiss the main door slid open and a tall, cloaked figure stepped inside. Qui-Gon never stopped in his movements nor did he leave the kitchen to greet his guest.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you."

"Not at all," Qui-Gon replied from the other room. "Tea?"

"Yes, please," his guest answered as he crossed over to the couch and took a seat. A few moments later, Qui-Gon returned to the main room holding two steaming cups. He handed one to his guest then took his customary seat in his armchair.

"I'm glad you stopped by, Mace," Qui-Gon said after a few minutes silence. Mace looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you? After the session this morning... I wasn't certain if..." Mace's voice trailed off, but the unsaid 'if I would be welcomed' still hung in the air between them.

"The Council's opinion notwithstanding, you are my friend, Mace. That will not change easily," Qui-Gon replied, his voice colored by his fierce resolve. Something in the answer soothed Mace and he visibly relaxed at the utterance. The Korun Councilor regarded the other master.

"I am... relieved," Mace finally spoke. Qui-Gon tilted his head, studying his friend closely. A slight frown marred his expression.

"You were really in such doubt?"

"As necessary as the Council hearing was I feared it could only end one of two ways- either it would work and you would understand or it would fail and your relationship to the Order would suffer irreparable harm," Mace supplied with a shake of his head. "I am grateful it was the former and that you now understand why we had to do it that way."

Qui-Gon didn't answer, choosing instead to take a long slow sip of his cooling tea. Mace stared at him for several moments then looked down as he placed his own half-full cup on the low table with a sigh.

"But you don't understand, do you?"

"Honestly?" Qui-Gon began. He waited until Mace looked up to meet his gaze before deciding what he would say next. He placed his own cup on the table. "Before I answer, may I ask you something?"

Mace nodded, regarding the other master seriously.

"Are you asking me this as a Councilor or as my friend?"

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