Cabin in the Woods

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Age: G-24 F-23

Era: G: teacher!G F:Current!F (oct 2017)

Synopsis: Gerard is lost in the woods, theres no signal, only a cabin in the woods, Gerard knows all of the storys about cabins in the woods, after all he was obsessed with horror movies, but for some reason Gerard decides to go exploring in the cabin, because he's probably going to die in the woods anyway, might as well make it fun

Type: fluff

POV: Gerard


I'm lost, I decided to go for a walk in the woods and now im fucking lost, by myself, with no signal on my phone.

maybe if i walk around more ill find somewhere or somebody, or ill just get even more lost and there will never be any chance of me being found until a young couple decide take a holiday to new jersey for whatever fucking reason, then decide to take a walk in the secluded woods and find my decomposing body, or whatever.

i think walking is better than staying still and just waiting for death so i take off in what i think is north, fuck knows.

i must be hallucinating when i think i see a cabin... in the woods, i decide to do what every other sane person would do, i knock on the big wooden door, after waiting a few seconds i knock again, and again there's no answer. i try the door knob to see if it's unlocked, and it is, so i go inside.

"hello!" i yell into the big, seemingly empty house

"who's there!" i hear i reply

"i-i'm Gerard, i got lost in the woods and ended up here, i'm sorry for intruding but no one answered the door when i knocked and it was open, i just really need a pee, and some help with directions back to civilization please, I'm sorry again" I replied, realising only now that i probably should've steered clear of the cabin in the woods.

i hear footsteps and look over towards the wall at the farside of the room, seperating the living room from what i assume would be the kitchen, a man comes out from behind the wall and he is definitely not what i was expecting.

the man was short, i'd say around 5ft 3" maybe, he had short, brown hair with a bit of a curl at the ends, he was wearing a camo jacket, black skinney jeans and a pair of black vans, definately not what i was expecting. he was hot too, maybe i wouldn't mind being stuck in the woods if i was with him.

"I-I'm Frank" He- Frank- said holding his hand out hesitently for me to shake

"it's nice to meet you Frank, I don't suppose you get signal here?" I ask hopefully

"No, sorry, it's kinda the reason i moved out here, to get away from... signal, i guess, people, i'm oversharing, sorry, you're the second person i've talked to in three years, i think, besides my brother Anthony who visits and brings me shoping"

"that's okay, i'm sure i'll figure something out, and i know how you feel, sometimes i want to do that too. Anyway I'll get out of your way, I'm sorry for intruding"

I was about to leave when frank rached out for my hand,

"wait" He said, "You don't have to leave, It's getting late and It'd actually be nice to speak to someone... if you want to of course, I promise I won't like murder you or whatever though"

"erm, I guess I could stay, that'd be nice actually" I replied

"Really, thank you, there's a shower an stuff upstairs if you want to, like wash or whatever, I-I mean you don't have to, obviously, but it's there if you need it"

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