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My  mom is not here still not her from her trip to bail me out, so I'll continue with my story about how I got here.

Well when I saw who came out of my house, I was speechless. It was Amy from school, when I saw her my hands started getting sweaty at that point.

Someone else was also leaving my house. A pink female hedgehog that looked like Amy came walking down the door steps. They must have been talking to my mother, or my siblings Sonia and Manic.

"Wait, that would only mean....."

I looked over at the home near ours, in the driveway I found what I was hoping to find.

A moving truck!!!!

I must have not seen it since I was running so fast!!! "How did she get here so fast!! I thought. "She must have left early so she can put some of her things in the house!!!"

I did a little dance on the street, ON THE STREET!!! Then I got on my knees and put my arms in the air and said "OH, THANK CHAOS FOR THIS BLESSING FROM THE GODS!!!!" Now that I think about it in this cell, it was kinda funny, anyway back to the story.


A vocie called out. I got off my knees slowly and look up, I saw Amy giggling about what I just did. Her giggles made my heart melt. "I got two questions for you, 1:Are you a dancer? and 2:What were you chanting on about?" She tried to say in between her giggles.

"Um....... I......... Was........."

"Well, anyway my name is Amy Rose." She sticked out her hand with  a smile. I shook her hand and it felt so soft, I didn't want to let go.

"I am......... Amy, I mean Sonic!!!! My name is Sonic!!!!"

"Great, now I am tripping over my own words in front of the girl I like!!!!" I thought

Amy giggled some more then asked me something "Hey, your the hedgehog sitting next to the yellow fox in my math class. I knew I remembered you from somewhere."

I looked at her, not paying attention. She looked so beautiful! "You know, it's  nice to see the son of my neighbor!" Then Amy's mom called out for her which broke me out of my trance. She must need her to help her lift something. I looked as she left with a wave mouthing the word, "Goodbye." But as you know, the story is not over. Anything can happen, but I didn't think it would end like this. Out of all the things that could happened it had to be this one.

I mean, the possibilitys were endless.........

Hey guys, the book will have A LOT of drama,so I will try to update soon. Bye guys😀😀 AND REMEMBER TO LIFE TO THE FULLEST!!!😀😀😀😀😀

Sonamy:  TroublemakerWhere stories live. Discover now