Chaptet 47- trouble with the gryfindoors

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Astoria POV
"Yey Easter holiday!" Draco screams as we all run out of our next class

"It's gonna be so good" blaise screams

"I thought that class was never gonna end" I scream

"Come on let's go meet Mione she had dada, I can't believe she got moved out of are class for that because the numbers were to high, and the fucking golden trio are in that class she looked really worried at lunch about going" Draco says practically sprinting to that class

When we get their we see Ron, Harry and Ginny all around Hermione

"What the fuck do you think you are doing" Draco says running over to them

He pushes Ron out the way and pulls Hermione out of their

"Leave me alone" Hermione yells at them

"All big and brave now your fellow snakes are with you, see ya later whore"  Ron yells

"Yeah bye bye slag" Ginny yells

"See ya after Easter break you selfish little stuck up ugly waste of space" Harry yells

"You wanna talk to her like that again" Draco says walking over to Harry he is way taller and got more muscles he towers over Harry easily

I walk over to Hermione she looks like she might cry
"You ok" I whisper but she shakes her head

Then Draco punches him

"Don't you ever think you can get away with hurting mione if I catch you doing it again that will look like a bloody child's play" he says then he pushes Harry away as he runs of with a bleeding nose

"Mione are you ok" he says running over to her and hugging her
He changes instantly from big, bad Draco Malfoy one second then the next he is soft and kind when he is with Hermione

"Harry your so bloody ugly when hello kitty saw you she bye" Theo tells down the corridor at Harry

"That is the most random insult I have ever heard Theo" Hermione says laughing and we all start laughing and can't stop when we reach the dungeons we go and grab are bags and stuff and head out to the train

It's really cute Draco and Hermione are walking a bit behind his arm over her, him whispering things in her ear every now and again and kissing her on the head, I know something more then just them saying stuff to her happened I can see it even if Draco can't, I really want to talk to her about it, I will try and get a moment alone with her, she has been a bit distant at the moment it was like the day when we were all lying in the sun and swimming she was a completely different person but this morning she was sick, I'm really scared she's ill like something serious but she won't tell me what,

"Hey mione, will you come to the toilet with me" I ask her as we pass the corridor that their in

"Yeah sure" she says walking over to me

"We will wait for you" Blaise says as they all take a seat at a bench

"It's fine we will meet you at the train" Hermione says kissing Draco whispering something in his ear

"Come on it will be like ten minutes love birds" I say dragging her away

As we walk into the toilet i see it's clear and know one is in here

"Ok what's the matter" I ask her

"What do you mean" she says looking at me

"I know something is up" I tell her

"So what is it" I ask

"You promise you won't tell a soul"

"I promise" I say instantly curious

"I'm pregnant"

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