Chapter 66- a little bit of drapple

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"That prat I could of killed him myself I could of just 'Avada kadava' him myself and he would of been out of our live forever" Draco ranted but I just sat on the sofa and played with scops hair

"I just wanna no who used the curse of him so I can thank them myself" Draco carried on

"Me" I say in a week voice and Draco stops pacing the room and stares at me

"What did you say" Draco asked again probable to be sure

"I said me, I used the curse on him" I replied back to him looking at him nervously then he slowly walks over to me I take scorp off my lap and onto the sofa Draco has a very Stern look then his lips twitch at the corners then his face break and he shows a massive cheeky grin and pics me up and swings me around,

"I love you so much" he says once he stopped swinging me

"I love you two baby" I say then we kiss all the feelings of dizziness stop, all the worry and the hate everything just stops
All I can think about is his lips on mine how each movement sends off fireworks
And how perfect it feels,

I could carry on forever until I here scorp saying something then we break apart and I look at scorp and see he is sat next to Astoria

"Thanks for the show guys but you know keep it for private times you have a child" she says laughing

"Ok why did you come up here" I ask my friend my cheeks red

"Well to let you know I was the only person who saw you use the curse on him" Astoria says and I sigh a relief knowing she is the only one who knows

"Ok " I say and hug my friend then she leaves out the door of my common room

Then I sit on the sofa next to Draco and rest my head on his shoulder

"Draco when you became a death eater the first time did you ever use the crusiartus curse on anybody" I ask him looking at him as his silver eyes turn a dark murky grey

"Yeah I did 3 times" Draco says looking into my eyes

"Who on" I ask staring at his unusually long eyelashes

"3 ministry guys, I don't recall there names" Draco says and I lean into him and he leans into him and just before are lips meet he moves away and runs up stares

"Draco luscious Malfoy come back here now!" I yell up the stairs at him and he gives me a wink and a cheeky smile and disapparates

"Dam you" I say to myself and smile as I feel two hands snake around my waist I jump out my skin scared that it could be somebody like ron

"Ahhhh get off me" I scream petrified

"I'm sorry I'm sorry" the boy says

"I completely forgot about your insistent with ron" the boy says and I breath a sigh of relief and he pulls me into a tight hug

"I told you I will NEVER let that little rat touch you and I mean it" Draco says kissing the top of my head

"I know I just can't help it" I say

"I know you can't mia" Draco says to me as we sway back and forth then I here a baby cry

And we both in into the other room

"Scorp are you ok" I shout and I go into the room and see him sat pointing at something and laughing

"What is it" I say but he carries on laughing I go around the corner and find that the picture frames were all turned over how that happened I don't know

"How did they all turn over" Draco asks confused

"I don't know" I say and stand back as I here a door slam upstairs my breathing hitches up as I wonder what could be happening

Then I here footsteps from upstairs

"Grab scorpius I think someone is upstairs" Draco says and I go and lick Scorpius up

We then here footsteps slowly coming down stairs

Then all of a sudden we here a bang loudly shocking us all then out pops out of smoke Blaise and Theo

"Haha you should of seen your faces" Blaise says clutching his sides with laughter

"Omg I think I might pee myself" Theo says struggling to stand up of laughter

"Haha very funny guys" I say as they mock my facial expression
And we all laugh about it all night and joked about


Monday morning
Scorp went back Sunday I missed having him around.

"Draco Malfoy come back here" I say laughing chasing Draco through the court yard as are group made are way to herboligy

"Never mia" Draco says running away and I laugh at him

"Draco I need my bag" I shout over at him

"I'm being a good boyfriend and carrying it for you" Draco shouts walking his eyebrows

"I can carry my own bag!" I shout at him but he just laughs it off and carries on running to class I hang back and join in line with my group

"Just get it when you are at class" Astoria says and I thank her for her opinion

When we eventually get to class I see dracos tall frame leaning against a window as he bites an apple

"Sometimes I think you love green apples more than me I say smiling sweetly at him

"What ever have you that idea" he says jokingly

"I don't know" I say laughing as he kisses me quickly and I take my chance to elbow him in the ribs shapely

"Hey what was that for" he say frowning

"Running away from me and taking my bag" I say taking it off of him

But he just laughs it off and pulls me into a side hug

"So today class as this is one of the most important years of your life I I wanted to give you an easy lesson I want you to go out and water all the plant in the field" are professor says and everybody groans

"Ok I will leave you two it" she says and walks off everyone goes to leave to water the plants Draco grabs Blaise and whispers something into his ear

"What was that about drake" I ask him

"You will see" Draco says smirking as he strides out the classroom

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