Chapter 60- ginny weasley

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September came way to soon and before we knew it it wad time to leave for Hogwarts, we had settled on the idea of my mum and dracos mum looking after him and we didn't have to worry about him being in danger because Voldemort would probably give up his own life before anyone would hurt out boy,

Scorp loved Voldemort one of the first words he spoke was voldy it is so nice to watch them both,

When Voldemort is around scorp he isn't Voldemort the most feared wizard of all time he just looks like a kind person scorp bring out the best in him,

I start crying as I grab all my stuff from upstairs and have scorp on my hip it's gonna be a 2 weeks until I can see him as we have no trip the first weekend I'm gonna miss seeing his little face everyday,

Little scorp is looking up at with a queer look his eyebrows are raised and his eyes wide he is sucking his thumb he so cute,

I don't know where Draco is he said he was taking are trunks to the car

I had my hair in loose waves down my back and minimal makeup and just a baggy cropped jumper and a skinny jeans on with rip knees maybe I don't look like a perfect mother but I'm only young and I still wanna be me,

Scorp is wearing such a cute shirt that's says "you think I'm smiling but I'm actually perfecting my Malfoy smirk" it's so cute Draco got him it he's also in a pair of jeans and some mini converses
The world hasn't met him yet so I am nervous for the paparazzi I hope they don't upset scorp to much,

"Did you miss me" I here a deep voice saying in my ear as his hands snake around my waist

"Alway" I say to him as he brush my hair off my neck and starts trailing kisses on my neck

"Guys it's time to go" I here my mum yell from downstairs Draco leans his head on my shoulder in frustration

"This isn't over yet" Draco says giving me one last kiss and he takes my hand and strokes scorps cheek

"Daddy's gonna miss you so much little boy" he says ands scorp says something in baby language back

"Come on let's go"he says squeezing my hand for comfort because he knows how nervous I am for leaving scorpius,

"He will be fine"Draco says in my ear holding either side of my head with his hands and looking at me worriedly

"I know I'm just scared and I don't want anyone to ever hurt him" I say and start crying and Draco says sweet words into my ear and kisses my forehead

"Nothing bad will ever happen" he says and we stand like that having a family hug for a long time none of us ever wanting to let go,


The paparazzi are like a swarm of bees on us when we get there, scorp puts his head into me,

We are in a line kind of it's me and Draco and scorp up front because we re the ones they want the most photos of so we are trying to get through it first

Then behind us it's Astoria and Blaise,

"Miss zabini look this way just a quick photo show us the boy" one says and I feel nervous not wanting this to be how my boy grows up,

After a while I feel his head moving off of me and I look up and see he is smiling at the crowd even doing a tiny wave,

Draco is just smirking knowing that his son gets that off of him,

"Draco how are you not nervous that the baby isn't yours" One guy says

"Look at the baby who's else's is it" Draco says laughing

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