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"that's the last of 'em." tyler said, motioning to the large pile of boxes. "that was way too difficult."

"thank god," josh agreed, "that took forever."

"retweet. why did we think moving was such a good idea?" tyler asked, wiping nonexistent sweat from his forehead.

"because our separate apartments were way too small for both of us?"

"oh. right. is a bigger bedroom really that important to you?" tyler winked, chuckling to himself like a LOSER.

josh rolled his eyes before looking out the window, watching the moving truck drive off.

"no? well, i guess this wasn't the relationship i thought it was."

"yeah, forgot to tell you, i'm breaking up with you five minutes after moving in, you dork."

"no no no! you can't break up with me, because i'm breaking up with you first!" tyler smiled.

"well then," josh sighed, setting his hands on his hips, "fuck."

"yep. that's right. pick up those heavy boxes and walk them right back out the door. carry them down the four flights of stairs again. have fun!" tyler mocked.

"I'd rather throw them out the window." josh laughed.

"no, you can't do that! the neighbors would hate me for all the noise! i'd be kicked out before i even moved in! and i'd have you to blame! i'd resent you for the rest of my life!"

josh only playfully stuck his tongue out.

tyler looked down at his watch. "shit! i've gotta go. have fun unpacking these boxes all by yourself!"

"oh no," josh smiled, "you are not leaving me here alone!"

"no, dude. i've gotta blast, like... like that one band you used to like."

"first, don't even. second, where are you even going, man?"

"wendy's, duh."

josh's eyes widened, his jaw dropping a bit. "what did you just say?"

"um, i'm going to wendy's? the fast food restaurant? good milkshakes? ring a bell?" tyler said, confused by josh's shock.

"why the hell are you going there? don't you have some sort of dignity?"

"yes; the dignity that comes with showing up to work on time like a normal human being. what is wrong with you?"

"oh, come on tyler, don't tell me you work at a fast food place? and not just any place- wendy's!" josh stated, eyes still wide.

"i've been working there for a really long time; they pay me a lot! i've been there so long i actually met wendy! now, i've gotta go." tyler laughed, walking towards the door.

josh is about to protest again, but before he's able to, tyler is already out the door.

"oh hEck no."

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