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he was so proud of himself.

a successful break in. josh had no idea how he managed, but he did.

well, it's not exactly a break in, just being sneaky.

super sneaky.

sneaky sneak james bond sneaky.

he was wearing a beanie to hide his bright pink hair and a black, boring sweatshirt to make himself look not noticeable.

he knew tyler was on break, and because he was wearing a pair of fake glasses, was also hoping jenna wouldn't notice him.

he looked around the corner, feeling like a super cool spy, and saw jenna at the counter, taking someone's order.

ha. some idiot who decided that, out of all the places to eat, wendy's was the best option.

it wasn't even 82° out.

it was like, 63°.

josh hopped the counter and made his way to the back room, careful not to spill the complicated concoction he held under his jacket.

he had worked hard all night on it, perfecting it, experimenting.

what he had ended up with was probably the ugliest thing in existence.

a mix of peanut butter, hershey's chocolate sauce, ketchup, coffee creamer, melted popsicles, a full bottle of garlic salt, some crushed up poptarts, pickle juice, and raisin bran ice cream.

jenna appeared in the doorway of the kitchen and josh quickly hid behind the machine, waiting for her to leave.

luckily enough, he was able to watch her pour out a frosty, and from the sputtering sounds of the machine, it seemed like the thing was empty.

jenna disappeared back through the door and josh jumped up, quickly pulling open the door of the machine.

and sure enough, it was pretty empty.

the dumped the drink into the drawer, trying to cover his nose from the smell.

it was awful.

awfully perfect.

haha, tyler.

get punk'd.

as soon as the container was pretty empty, he threw it on the ground and slammed the drawer shut.

next was the fryer.

this was was more simple, he switched the onion rings and fries.

'ha ha,' josh thought, 'now, if someone wants fries, they'll get onion rings! i'm so funny. a funny, strong boy.'

but josh wasn't done, he still had a one more trick up his sleeve.

he quickly pulled his trusty jar of sliced ghost peppers from his pocket, making his way over to the toppings station.

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