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you see, josh has a reason for his hatred against wendy's.

it was a clear summer day, 82°, and josh was hungry. really hungry. like, really hungry. he probably would've eaten the bark off a tree if you asked him to. hell, you probably didn't even have to ask him; you could just make some offhand comment about the color green and he would chop the tree down with his bare hands and eat it faster than you could say, "josh, what the hell is wrong with you?"

so, with only like five or six (he wasn't really sure) dollars in his pocket, he decided to stroll up to the closest place he could find: wendy's.

if he knew about the traumatic experiences he was doomed to face within that ten minutes, he never would have entered the weird-smelling place.

but he did.

because he was hungry.

like, really hungry.

everything was normal at first. for whatever money was in his pocket, he ordered a burger, fries, and a jr frosty.

the woman behind the counter was nice while talking his order.

almost too nice.

how did josh not notice?

a woman that nice surely wasn't going to let him leave in peace.

but he didn't notice.

because he was stupid and hungry.

like, really hungry.

it went down like this:

josh walks up to the counter.

josh orders his meal, talking to the lady who was too nice.

josh turns around to go wait for his food.

josh doesn't notice the tray laying on the ground.

in a series of horrible, twisted, diabolical events, josh's foot lands on the tray.

and josh falls.




like an untalented ballerina with a lack of balance and coordination.

he hits the ugly tiled floor with a crash, similar to the sound of my heart breaking when i read any stupid fanfiction in the joshler tag.

he probably has a small bruise on his hip from the fall.

he feels tears start to fill his eyes, but doesn't let them fall.

he's stronger than that.

a strong boi.

so there he sits, miserable, on the floor of a wendy's because some idiot employee or customer didn't pick up a tray off the floor.

fast food ↠ joshler ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora