Chapter Twenty-Three Him and Her

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Megumi POV

It's been three days since Yahiro woke up and he seems to be avoiding me at all cause. I remember the morning I came to their house to visit him...


I was on my way to visit Yahiro again this morning. I entered the house to be greeted by Akari-san in the living room.

"Oh! Megumi-chan. Welcome!" she exclaimed while running to me.

"Thank you, Um, how is Yahiro?" I asked her, she seem so unusually lively today.

"Oh, he woke up last night." She said with a smile on her face.

"Really?! Can I see him?" I asked her excitedly.

"He already went to his office." She said while scratching her cheek with her index finger.

"What?! Is he already okay to do so?" I asked. He was in coma for three days and he is already working?! He sure is a workaholic.

"He left early in the morning, and when I say early. I mean EARLY." She said with a pout.

~End of flashback~

There was also that time when I came to his office...


I was already in the receptionist. She was connecting the call to Yahiro's secretary.

"It seems that he is very busy Ma'am, his schedule is very tight and he doesn't have time to meet you. Would you like to make an appointment with him?"-receptionist

~End of Flashback~

After that, I stopped. It seems that he really doesn't want to see me in any possible way.

Yahiro POV

I've been avoiding her since three days ago. I want to see her but I don't have the courage to face her. Suddenly the door opened and two people entered.

"What do you think you are doing Yahiro?!" Sakura asked me as she held both my arms

"What? Can't you see I'm working?" I asked her with a calm face but from the looks of it angered her more. Before her fist hit my face, a hand stopped her.

"Sakura calm down." Kei said then he turned to look at me. "You know that running away won't change anything, right? You will inevitably face her in the future. You're just wasting your time like this." He said right to my face. I looked down.

"I know, it's just that I don't have a face to show her. Knowing it's my fau-" I was cut off by Kei.

"Don't go misunderstanding it was your fault she left. She left for her sake. To find herself, to live for herself and look at the result, she became successful...and she came back." I lift my head to look at them, their eyes without hesitation looking at me.

"She came back because she was ready to face you, who have forgotten her. She found the courage to do so. Are you gonna let her courage be for nothing?" Sakura asked.

"You're different now Yahiro. You remember her already! What are you doing?! She's giving her very best in everything she does and you're just standing in one place! Move you're damn ass. She already set you free, are you alright with someone else getting her? She always waited for you; she was always there for you. Are you alright if someone else stole her?" Kei shouted to me and that got my senses moving. After that long speech, Kei was panting.

"Kei, Sakura, Thank you for waking me up. I really appreciate it." I said while looking at them. They both smiled at me.

"'Then, let's start." I said as I made a call.

Megumi POV

My mind was somewhere thinking about him. I wonder how he is doing.

"Megu, this is a request from the Saiga Group." Reina-chan handed me a folder.

"Huh? Why are you giving it to me? Isn't it supposed to go to the management department?" I asked her curiously.

"Well, you'll find out if you read it." She said to me. And I scanned the file.

"Um, didn't they know that I'm not working as a talent?" I asked.

"Well, all I can say is that you must do it because they have almost 30% shares in this company. Besides they insist that it must be you. Be sure to go to the venue stated in there." She said while walking away.

I just sighed and got ready, when everything was set, I took off and went to the venue.

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