Chapter 1

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3rd PoV

It happened two months ago Niall Horan lashes out to the paparazzi and his fans.  The boys were just coming back to London since they just finished their tour, as they were walking through the airport doors they were blinded by flashes and couldn't hear anything but screams , I love you's and marry me's. While this was going down Liam rushed to Niall side because he knew Niall didn't do well with crowds but when he got there instead of seeing a shaking Niall. He saw something different Niall was screaming at the fans and paparazzi telling them to shut up and calling them things like twats, fuckers and bitches. Apparently when the boys arrived Niall immediately was yelled that he was ugly, couldn't sing and to quit the band. As this happened Niall's hands were clenching and unclenching he told himself that he wasn't going to let it affect him but then one girl decided to call him a faggot. And that's when Niall got beating red and his eyes started to get that glare look Niall then yelled and swore at everyone.  He then felt someone hug him and whisper sweet things in his ear, Niall unclenched his hands and turned to hug Liam crying on his chest.


After that night things started changing in Niall, he dyed his hair black and worse black clothing. His music changed from Ed 5SOS to Marylin Manson, Hole and other dark bands. But the worse thing is that he now had a blank expression on his face or a scowl, he didn't hang with the boys anymore and if he did he'd just sit there and stare at the wall. When Niall was asleep the boys would talk about what they were going to do to get Niall back to his old self, but they all knew that the only person who can bring him back was Liam. So now Liam would follow Niall around talking to him about anything and everything and Niall would just listen to him. Liam also started sleeping with Niall at nights because the boys later found out Niall has terrible nightmares but they also found out Liam can make them go away. 


Niall woke up to a dark room since he replaced his curtains with black ones so basically the sun couldn't shine through his room. He yawned and turn to wake Liam up and then got out of the bed getting ready for the day. The boys had an interview today and Niall already knew they were going to ask shitty questions and talk about his lashing. He stripped down and walked into the shower rinsing the oder off his body then dried off and put deodorant on and his clothes. While he brushed his teeth he heard a knock on his bathroom door and he unlocked in and opened to a naked Liam neither of them cared that they could see each other cocks. Liam got into the shower and started to clean himself while Niall was reapplying his dye since he could see the brown coming back, a few minutes later Niall grabbed a towel and held it out towards the shower when he heard the water stop Liam grabbed the towel and started drying himself off as he was telling Niall about their schedule today. Niall nodded and went back to his hair while Liam put deotrant and his clothes on and brushed his teeth. Both boys then stepped out of the bathroom and went downstairs joining the rest of the boys for their morning breakfast.  Harry began serving the boys pancakes and eggs while Zayn poured everyone juice . "So Niall you ready for today interview?" Harry asked still trying to see if Niall will respond, but Niall just shrugged and continued eating. "Aw come on Niall speak just say one word." Harry wouldn't quit until Niall responded so he kept pestering Niall and Niall started to clench his fist becoming red in the face. "Harry quit you're pissin him off." Liam ordered as he put his hand on Niall's fist waiting until Niall hand relaxed and unclenched going back to his breakfast. After breakfast the other boys got ready while Niall and Liam washed dishes, Liam talked to Niall as he was cleaning the plates not caring that Niall didn't say anything because he knew Niall was listening to him. Then the boys came down and they piled up into a van and drove to the interview location, when they got there fans were already there screaming and holding up signs. Liam turned to Niall and saw how Niall started scowling at them, Niall knew not all of the fans hared him but he didn't care he blamed them all. Liam pulled Niall to him and whispered in his ear telling him to be cool and that he doesn't have to talk to them. When the van stopped Liam grabbed Niall's hand and led him out walking to the building's door. Fans scream for Niall to take a picture or hug them but Niall kept his head down and kept walking only stopping when Liam signed something or took a picture with someone. Niall held on to Liam's hand and looked at his shoes when he felt someone grab at his jacket pulling him closer.  Niall's head jerked up and he started scowling squeezing Liam's hand basically saying Liam get this fan in their own special morse code, Liam turned and told the fan to let go of him while pulling Niall away. As they walked in the building Niall rubbed his thumb on Liam hand which meant thank you to them, Liam pulled Niall to the snack table and got Niall an apple and a juice box while he settled for a pear. As they ate Liam read to Niall, Liam started reading to Niall a few weeks ago since sometimes he ran out of things to say. Liam knew Niall loved when he read to him because Niall would lay on his shoulder and cuddled up to Liam. They were currently reading Oliver Twist since they just finished their last book, soon it was time for the boys to go on and record their interview. The interview like Niall predicted had shitty questions, she asked things like who's single, celebrity crushes and etc. Then the interviewer tried to ask Niall about that night and Niall decided to ignore her while she pestered him about that night. Liam then told her that he doesn't want to talk about it so she changed the subject after a while the interview was over and the boys except Niall  said thanks and left. "You boys head back to the house, me and niall are going to go somewhere." Liam said as the walked off with two bodyguards following them, the boys went to the park and then went to an ice cream parlor. Liam ordered for both since he knew Niall's favorite ice cream, they ate while Liam talked to him about the book. The boys then went to the guitar shop and Liam asked Niall to play something which he did but didn't sing with Liam. As the started heading back Liam got a call from Management asking for Liam to bring Niall to their office, when they got there Louis Zayn and Harry were already sitting in chairs waiting for the other two. "Sit down boys." said Chris their head manager, Liam and Niall sat before Chris continued talking. " It comes to my attention that Niall isn't interacting with the fans and therefore he's starting to be the least liked member in the band, we need him to start interacting or we're going to have to let him go." "What?!" Harry yelled and then started yelling about how Niall can't be kicked out and that if he leaves I leave. While Zayn and Louis started ranting too, Liam turned to Niall and saw that he wasn't there anymore. "Hey guys where'd Niall go?"

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