Chapter 5

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2 weeks later

After Niall talked for the first time in a while. Things started changing, his clothes got brighter and his music was wasn't so dark anymore. He still didn't talk that much to other people but when he was with Liam, he talked and smiled because Liam brought it out of him. The other lads were happy but upset that Niall didnt talk to them but other then that they were happy Niall was talking and smiling. Friday came and the boys got ready for a concert, Niall was strapping on his guitar as he thought to himself. Niall made up his mind that he was done after this concert he still hasn't told the boys which probably meant they would be pissed after tonight's concert. Niall talked to Simon about it and Simon understood telling him that if he change his mind his spot was still there. Niall thanked him but declined the offer, as Niall was thinking he didn't hear Liam walk in and flinched when he felt arms wrapping theirself around him. "Ready for tonight Ni?" Liam asked kissing Niall cheek " As ready as I'll ever be Liam." Niall didn't make eye contact with Liam and then left the dressing room but then came back and kissed Liam on the lips passionately saying I love you before leaving again going to his spot where he'll be raised up to the stage smiling to himself because for once since the lashing Niall felt truly at peace.  Later the boys joined him at their spots and got their selves ready for another concert while Niall got ready for his last concert. The platforms began to raise and Niall vision was now clouded with millions of flashes and faces, the began their concert with Best Song Ever, Niall played and sung his heart out giving this performance his all. They sung ten more songs before Niall nodded to the guitar man and the lights dimmed much to the other boys confusion and Niall gave his guitar to Liam as he made his way to the center on the stage looking at the crowd as he took off his in ears and the mic connected to him and grabbed one from the mic stand. A single guitar was heard and Niall stared at the crowd opening his mouth

Rain falls hard

Burns dry

A dream

Or a song

That hits you so hard

Filling you up

And suddenly gone

The other boys looked at Niall confused but sat down letting him sing to the crowd

Breath Feel Love

Give Free

Know in you soul

Like your blood knows the way

From you heart to your brain

Know that you're whole

Niall turn and looked at Liam with  love and happiness going over to him and pulled Liam up looking into his eyes

And you're shining

Like the brightest star

A transmission

On the midnight radio

And you're spinning

Like a 45


Dancing to your rock and roll

Niall turned back to the crowd holding Liam head smiling as the music got louder.

Here's to Patti

And Tina

And Yoko


And Nona

And Nico

Niall yelled the last lyric for himself because he felt happy and proud of himself for finding his peace

And me

Niall pulled Liam closer and wrapped his arm around Liam's waist

And all the strange rock and rollers

You know you're doing all right

So hold on to each other

You gotta hold on tonight

Niall then turned to the other boys pointing at them as he smiled at his best friends.

And you're shining

Like the brightest stars

A transmission

On the midnight radio

The other boys came up to Niall and smiled standing by him as he turned again singing to the crowd

And you're spinning

Your new 45's

All the misfits and the losers

Yeah, you know you're rock and rollers

Spinning to your rock and roll

Niall stopped singing as the guitar solo went on and jumped down from the stage standing by the gate raising his hand

Lift up your hands

Immediately the crowd started raising their hands

Lift up your hands

The boys raised their hands and sung the line with Niall. Niall grabbed on the fans hand it was a boy who had tears in his eyes Niall could see scars on his wrist and frowned at that he reached over the rail and hugged the boy before pulling away singing again as he made his way back up to the stage .

Lift up your hands

Everyone except the musicians had their hands up some had tears in their eyes and some were smiling.

Lift up your hands

Niall finished singing and smiled as the last notes played before he talked to the crowd.

" I love you all but I decided to resign from the band and just be a normal adult with a regular job. I am sorry but I can't do this anymore, it isn't your fault it's my decision and only mine. Goodbye you crazy mofos." Niall brought his hand to his lips and raised it to the crowd before going backstage with a smile. Sorry for not updating in awhile I had writer's block and I'm sorry to the people who wanted him to stay anyways I love you guys :*

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