Chapter 7

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After Niall left the band he started to become more happier, he started talking again to everyone. He also decided instead of getting a normal job he'd just play his guitar instead of singing so on concert nights he was in the back with the other musicians playing his guitar.  Since Niall wasn't actually apart of 1D he didn't participate in Meet and Greets which many fans were upset about, their merch change from five to four and Niall wasnt as popular as he use to be but he didn't care he was happy. But then the hate came people said horrible things to him and also threw stuff at him if they saw him in public. Liam also got hate because for some bizarre reason they thought Liam was the reason Niall quit which was utterly stupid to Niall. Since the hate Niall had become closed up again which made Liam pissed and one day Liam had a huge rant on twitter which resulted in him taking a hiatus until Niall was happy. Liam also even though he never said it missed singing with Niall and some nights he'd stay up watching videos of Niall singing while quietly singing with him and crying because he missed that feeling so much. Management decided since Niall was a musician now for 1D that he'd sleep on the musician tour bus but Liam and lads protested and Management let him stay on his regular tour bus.

Niall still got hate and now even death threats telling him to join the 1D again or they will kill him, Niall felt scared no scratch that he was terrified. He didn't tell the lads about it though, Niall would barely leave the hotel or the bus now he'd only leave when it was concert night or when Liam begged him to come with him.

Time passed and Niall was starting to get better feeling that they were just threats so tonight when they were on stage he let Liam pull him out in the center and sung to him and pretended to play guitar with him. Niall was grinning through the night until he heard a bang and screams, Niall didn't know why they were screaming until he look down at his chest seeing a big red spot there and realized he been shot before his eyes rolled in the back of his head and collapsed.

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