Chapter 3

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When Liam woke up the next day all he could hear was music, he never heard the band but he liked the sound of it and the lyrics were beautiful.

I just wanted you to know that the world is ugly but you're beautiful to me

He listened to it for a little while longer then realize Niall wasn't in the bed. "Niall" Liam called out "Babe are you in here?" He waited and he heard three knocks on the wall which was their morse for yes I am. Liam opened his eyes and looked around the room and found Niall sitting in the corner with his eyes close and his head nodding to the music. Liam got up and walked towards Niall sitting in front of him and taking his hands, Niall eyes opened at that gesture looking at Liam with the same blank expression. "Babe are you hungry?" Liam asked since he knows Niall hasn't eaten yet, Niall nodded and got up turned off the music and took Liam's hand. Liam led Niall downstairs and sat Niall on the counter smiling before cooking pancakes and eggs, as Liam cooked Niall looked at his phone looking at his twitter but not tweeting. Niall's last tweet was two months ago a few hours before the lashing, he looked at the tweet and then read the comments.

@NiallOfficial: Just got off the plane and ready to get home x

Liam turned to check on Niall and saw that he was on the twitter app, "Babe you shouldn't be on that app, you know it will upset you." Niall looked up at Liam and exited out of the app putting the phone down. As they sat there the heard the door open and the other lads came in smiling, the boys both gave Niall and Liam kisses and hugs before serving themselves food. Niall got down and got his plate from Liam rubbing Liam's hand with his thumb before going to sit at the table, Liam smiled as he saw his boys sitting together even though Niall isn't smiling or talking it still makes him happy that he had them together. But happiness isn't forever, Harry's phone ringed and Chris name flash across the screen. Harry tapped the answer button and they all got quiet except Niall since he never made any noise, "Hello boys, has Niall talked yet?" "No" Harry said with anger in his voice. "Damn, well he still has a month to talk or he's getting replaced" Chris said and hanged up. Niall unlike the other boys who were shocked continued to eat only to look up when Zayn called his name, " You got to talk Niall, for the sake of your career and ours" Harry said walking to the kitchen.  Louis looked at Niall and sent him a sad look  "Niall I know you can do it, were counting on you love." Niall looked at Louis and then left the table going back upstairs closing the door playing more music blaring it. Liam sat at the table with his head buried in his hands the only lyrics Liam heard that really caught his attention made him think

Because you're the only hope for me

"You're right Niall I am your only hope"

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