Chapter 1

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Kaylie's POV

I woke up to my alarm going off, which was my roommate, Lauren, shouting at me to get my ass up.  So I get up, get ready, put on black ripped skinny jeans and a plain black crop top, I may be an angel but I still love black. I did my make up which is just some eyeliner in my waterline, concealer, and mascara. I ate some breakfast, grabbed my stuff, put on shoes, and left to school on my penny board.

I got to school and went to my locker and was grabbing my stuff for the day when someone slammed the locker, as I was putting my binder in my bag. Then I looked at who it was, and it was no other than Andy Biersack, who was used to be bully, and was now my abusive boyfriend. I looked into his grey eyes, as I remembered the beating I got yesterday for slapping him after he pushed me into the lockers and tried to put his hand down my pants.

"Hey, little slut," he said.

"Hi Andy," I said silently.

He grabbed my hand and took me to class kissing me before he let me go in the classroom. I walked into the room, and sat down next to my best friend, Gianna, in the back.

"Hey," Gianna asked.

"Hi," I said.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah why?"

"Just asking."

Class started and all I could think of during class was Andy, he was so nice and sweet a year ago then all of a sudden he started beating me, calling me names, and forced me into a relationship I didn't want to be in by just flat out telling me I was his girlfriend and if I mistreated him  as in cheat, he'd kill himself. If he were to do that I'd be punished.

I got through all my classes and was putting my stuff away, when Andy came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I closed my locker and stayed standing there in fear of what he was to do next. He started kissing my neck.

"Come to my house," He said.

"Andy, I'm not gonna have sex with you," I stated.

"I know," he stopped.

"Then why am I coming to your house?"

He sighed, "I have a surprise for you."

"last time you said that I got beat up."

"It's a good one this time."

"For me or for you?"


"Fine, only cause I know you're not gonna give up."

"Ok," he said as he let me go.

I closed my bag and swug it on to my shoulder and followed Andy to his car. We got in the car and Andy drove to his house. The whole car ride Andy had his hand on my thigh and I was just looking out the window. We pulled up to his drive way and went inside.

"Nice place," I said.

"Thanks," Andy said.

"So what's my surprise?"

"Follow me."

I followed him to the backyard, where there was a table with some food and on it.

"What's this?" I asked.

"It's a date," he said.

"What do you mean?"

"We've never gone on a date together I thought this would be good."

"Oh ok."

"Sit," he said pulling a chair out for me to sit in.

"Thank you," I said sitting down.

"You're welcome."

I smiled and just sat there waiting for him to sit. He sat down and I started eating the chicken and broccoli alfredo, so did he.

"How is it?" Andy asked.

"Good, did you make it?" I asked.

"Yeah, glad you like it."

"When did you make it?"

"I set this all up last night and made the food during lunch."

"Nice," I said continuing to eat.

We finished eating and Andy reached and held my hand, we looked into each other's eyes. I saw his eyes switched from icy blue to a grey and back to icy blue as he shaked his head.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, excuse me I just have to go to the bathroom." Andy said.

"Ok," I said as he stood up to go to the bathroom.

Once he got to the door to go inside the house he turned around, walked up to me, and out of nowhere punched me.


FIRST CHAPTER!!! hope you enjoyed and comment and vote and all that good shit.

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