Chapter 2

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After the breakfast fiasco I got yelled at, of course, ate my share of breakfast, fixed the smoke detector, and started my routine.

As usual, I open up my windows despite the 80-degree summer heat (at 8 am in the morning). Then I turn on my old radio and surf the channels. Some Lil Wayne could be heard here and there. Justin Bieber playing on WILD. I play around with the dial until I end up hearing Bruno's husky voice riding the beat of church bells to Just the Way You Are.

I sing along and sit on my bed. I reach for my brush that's on my nightstand and start on the ends. Moving my way up,  I I turn my head towards the window thinking about what I'm going to be doing today. And as I do, I see someone running. I get up and make my way to the window. I hear thud noises. Someone's outside. 

I step out my room and out to the screen door in the kitchen. There, I see him playing basketball over our low fence (that's on the verge of breaking) as he steps up for a shot.

The highlight of my day is literally seeing Finney over our fence (that's supposed to protect one's privacy but it's doing such a horrible job of doing so). Gawd, I'm a creep. I shake my head and head back to my room and turn my attention to the radio as it switches over to a Drake song. On instinct, I turn it up louder.

"I don't know how to talk to you. I don't know how to ask if your okay." He sings in the opening verse.

Same man.

And just like that, as if there really is a god who plans for me to end up with Finn, I hear the bounce of a basketball. And like the dork I am, I immediately run out of room and get to the side door. I'm not a big fan of basketball, but I'm definitely a big fan of his. I run my hands through my hair (again) and give myself time to compose and I calmly open the door to see him.

He steps up for a shot.


He gets the rebound from under the hoop and dribbles back to his shooting point. This time, he goes in for a lay up.


I watch for a few more rounds until he looks over from his shooting point and finds me beyond the fence.

"Hey," Finn waves at me with his gigantic hand and his arm over the ball, (squishing it onto his side to keep it from slipping).

"Hi," I wave back.


Finally, Finn smirks. "Nice Pjs." I look down onto my outfit and realize that I'm wearing my bunny shirt, complimented with bunny-print shorts and slippers. It still amazes me how he can see my feet without having to hover over, because he's twice (possibly even triple) as tall as our fence. Not only that, but I forget how easily a jerk he can be and how fast he can make me feel embarrassed.

I scoff. "Nice shorts," I point at the Nyan-Cat plastered where his bum should be. Finn looks down at his shorts. He blinks as if he just realized the embarrassing garment he's wearing; like how I did a few minutes earlier. "Yeah, well..." he pauses for a moment, "they're better than bunnies."

"You take that back," I say in a offended tone. He sticks his tongue at me. "Well at least they don't sit around doing nothing all day."

"But they're fluffy."

"So are bunnies."

"All bunnies do is make more bunnies."

"But they're cute."

"Unlike you."

Silence (again). That did not hurt. That did not hurt. I'm not a baby.





We keep at it for a few more rounds until Finney throws me off and I say cats. I hate cats. All they ever do is poop in my yard where there happens to be tomatoes, spinach, small strawberries, basil, and carrots (for my friend's Raina's bunnies, ironically). Dad says that it's good fertilizer but I just hate the thought of Finney's cat, Muffy pooping on my produce.

Finney smiles and taunts me until I go back inside the house and shut the door to quiet him down. He goes back to taking shots a little later while I'm smiling like an idiot behind the door (and screaming in the inside). I squeeze my eyes shut and remind myself of his big beautiful stupid toothy grin. After I had calmed down, I open my eyes to see Dad sitting at the table sipping on his coffee with an eyebrow raised.

"Are you taking after your Grandma and having seizures?"

I stare at him with my eyes wide and try to make myself look innocent. He stares back with suspicious eyes.

"Oh she was just flirting with Finney that's all," Murphy says walking into the dining room. Dad looks at him and then back to me.

"Well as long as he doesn't like her back I'm fine with it," the man then continues sipping on his coffee and reading from what I can assume is the news on his phone.

After giving me the all clear, I run off into my room and shut the door. I open up my planner and check off the last task on the list.

*To all cat lovers! I am so sorry.*

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