Chapter 13

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*Writer's Block sucks trees and bushes.* 

There's a new post on TheMotherTruckerCalledEarth's page for her (or his) fanfic. In the new chapter, Calidora has trouble accepting her new life as her powers grow. She wants to help Peter Parker (aka Spiderman) fight Sandman to prove herself but even Percy is holding her back. 

Once I'm done with that, I plug my earbuds into the my phone. I slip them on and pick a playlist. The piano synthesizer plays on, followed by the midget voice. 

"I might. Empty my bank account. Buy that boy with the pipe." 

Finally, Frank Ocean opens up the verse, 

"Do you slide on all your nights like this? Do you try on all your nights like this?" 

I'll admit, I've heard this song so many times on WILD. The first time I heard this song, I liked it. But the real reason why I downloaded it was because of that Friday night at the dance. It became my cheer-up anthem, despite the lyrics making no sense to me. Every time I listen to this, I replay the moment when Finn dragged me off my chair and cheered me up, in my mind. 

I hum along to the tune. 

"Rennie!" Raina calls my name from across the courtyard. I take out one bud and wave at her and the girls. Once they've all sat down, I give my juice box to Julianne (who has a serious juice-drinking problem) and give half of my fries to the others. 

"Whatcha listening to?" Sunny asks as she drenches the whole nacho bowl with ketchup. 


She stops squeezing the bottle and stares at me. Raina stops eating for a second and Julianne halts her sipping. 


"You don't listen to Slide unless something happened." Sunny replies as she sets the ketchup bottle down. "Something happened."

"It's nothing." 

"If this is about-" 

"Don't!" I hold up my hand. 

Raina looks at me, "so it is about him, what happened?" 

I take a fry and put it in my mouth. "Finn punched him in the face." 

"Holy shit!" Sunny leans in. 

"He said some things that may or my not have hurt and Finn got mad. I feel bad though."  

Silence. I want to say something but I can't. If they knew the truth, or other people hear about this, they might hate me. The girls aren't into gossiping of course, but once something is said here at Lincoln Manor, things can get messy. I bite my lip. 

"I need to tell you guys something." And just like that, everyone is facing me now. "I broke up with him over text. And yes, I was so mad when he dragged me away from Finn and you guys to kiss me. But the real reason is because, I..." I can't. What if Finn finds out? What if he finds out? 

Raina puts her hand on top of mine. She looks at me and makes a reassuring smile, "Rennie..." she looks over to Sunny and Julianne. "We kinda... already know." 

I freeze up. I stare at them waiting for an explanation. "I mean it is obvious. You have been friends since forever. Even longer than us. Like I said the other day, if you ever get caught staring at his biceps; just tell him it's 'cuz of his tat." 

Julianne and Sunny laugh at this. Then Julianne speaks up. "I'm just surprised that he hasn't even figured it out yet. He may be your best friend, but he's stupid." 

Sunny nods, "he isn't the only stupid one though..." she then gives the others a sneaky smile. 

I roll my eyes. "He has a girlfriend." You would think that they would stop the secretive smiles but they don't. If anything, the smiles get bigger. What are they not telling me?

Then they give each other gazes and faces. I'm so left out. 

*Please excuse the bad grammar and stuff. And thanks guys so much for the votes and views. I didn't think anyone would ACTUALLY read this. lol.* 

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