Chapter 15

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Beep. Beep.

I open my eyes look at the alarm clock. It's 6 a.m. I groan, "five more minutes." I close my eyes again as I take in the scent of the pillows and recognize Finn's cologne. I smile like an idiot and hold the pillow tighter. Wait a minute.

What alarm clock? The last one I owned was destroyed by Mason back when he got into building stuff when he was obsessed with Minecraft. Finn's cologne? Pillow? Holy shit! I flip my eyes open and kick myself off the bed (which of course results in me lying on the ground hurting).

I exam the room. No sign of Finn. I crawl over to the desk and sigh in relief that we had finished the poster. Yes! No more work. I get up and descend the stairs. "Finn?..." I check the kitchen. Not there. The dining room. Nope. I go to the living room and find him underneath a blanket; sleeping. I know it's wrong but I approach him.

I smile. I look at his sleeping face as he inhales and exhales. That's when I realize how his eyes looks like a kitten's when he sleeps. I poke his nose. It twitches (dies of cuteness). Despite him being a six-foot-giant, he looks so small curled up. I just want to slip-in and hug him. Thank gawd his parents are on a business trip.

Just then, he rouses. I immediately jump up and scurry to the kitchen. Breathe. Breathe. I hear him yawn, and get up from the couch. Then his footsteps. They get louder and louder. He's heading towards the kitchen! Thank goodness there's two entrances to the kitchen and one of them is connected to the stairs. I climb the first two steps.

"Rennie?" I whip my head and find Finn in his PJs (he changed???) scratching his head. His lips widen into a smile, "were you peeping on me?"

My heart pounds. "N-no," I say quickly as I make my way up the stairs. "I was just getting a glass of water!" I yell.

A few seconds pass when Finn yells back, "I don't see any cups lying around!"

"I washed 'em!"

I'm on the last step when he yells again, "want some breakfast?" I smile. How can anyone say no to breakfast?

*I swear, I'm not a peeper.*

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