Chapter 21

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*BEEP BEEP Yay this story has earned over 450 views! Thanks to all my viewers who have took the time to read all the way to here. I hope I'm not boring y'all out thank you!*

Striped T-shirt and black sweats. Last time I was awake I was wearing a white t-shirt and gray sweats. My hair was down and now its up. Did I sleep walk again?

I blink my eyes to make sure I'm not imagining anything. They're still there. I lift the covers and attempt to sit up. "Oww," my headache is still there. I touch it and spot my phone on my nightstand. Grabbing it, I tilt my phone to activate the "Raise to Wake" feature to check the time. 6:46 p.m. It's been eight hours since mom and dad and my brothers had left for Tahoe.

"I don't follow rules, I make 'em" I walk slowly (partially because I'm scared and my headache is hell) and make my way down the hall. "And when necessary, I break 'em." I enter the living room carefully and find a figure sitting on the couch watching Riverdale. It must have heard me creeping because it turns its head to see me. It's Finn. 

After confirming my presence, he turns his attention back to the T.V. (cry) and gives me a wave over his head. "Hey, Flatty. Feel'n better?" 

"Yeah," It takes me a second to realize something. He changed my clothes. Immediately, my cheeks burn up and I stomp over to the front of the couch, while blocking his view of the T.V. "What did you do!" I say with my hands on my hips, "I was fine y'know." 

"You were sweating. Now move," he puts a hand on my hip and pushes me to the side. "Veronica is on a rage."

Not backing down, I move back to the front, "Still! You could have woken me up and told me. I can do thing myself!" 

"You had a fever and was weak. Geez, lemme watch." Finn moves his head around looking for an opening. "I swear I didn't look, there wasn't really anything to see." 

Dumbfounded with nothing else to say, I sit down next to him. "Thank you," he says gratefully. 

"What do you mean I'm flat? I have something." 

"The only bumps you have are the ones on your head," he says with his eyes glued to the T.V.

I pat my head to check for any outbreaks. "You're mean," I say with a frown. 

"The truth hurts Rennie." 

I don't say anything else as we finish the episode and Finn clicks a button on remote to play the next one. "Prevoiusly on Riverdale. The story about a town once wholesome and innocent, now forever changed by mysterious murder of Jason Blossom on the Fourth of July." Jugghead's voiceover plays over the intro. 

"Are we seriously going to rewatch this?" I say with my head on my hand with his supported by the couch. "It's a terrible depiction of high school. I mean it's just impossible for a school to have a murder in their midst, a teacher hooking-up with their student who happens to be songwriter. Then later he hooks-up with the daughter of his dad's temporary girlfriend. And that girl is also his best fiend's friend. And that best friend had a crush on him too. Also, how many girls Archie has already balled?" 

"First off, the second season is coming out soon. Second, it's not impossible for all that to happen, it's just odd. And that's why it's interesting. Also, in Melvin's world, having that many girls is not impossible either." Finn says this with a slow shrug and a satisfied face. "Am I right?" 

I chuckle, "yeah I guess. How do guys like Melvin do that?"

"Do what?"

"Y'know hook-up with different girls all the time? Isn't tiring?"

"I wouldn't get tired. I'd do it all the time." I punch his shoulder. "What? But I wouldn't do it with other girls. Just do it with one girl. All. The. Time." He says with a smile. For some reason, I can't help it but blush (again). 

"Okay then..." I say nervously (for some reason), "but some of them don't want to commit."

"Melvin would commit." 

"How do you know that?" I ask. Finn thinks for a while. 

Then replies, "I think he's just trying to get a certain girl." He says this meaningfully and looks my way. "Like Maylissa." 

My eyes widen."Maylissa?!" I know he loves to mess with her, but I didn't know he liked her that much! 

"You're so dense. Like seriously, damn." 

I think for a bit. Melvin is always checking out girls whenever Maylissa is around. And when she's away, he's always asking about her. Sometimes he'd play with her hair bun to the point she's at his throat and has her full attention. 

"Wow, do you think he's so crazy for her that he'd marry her?" 

"Maybe. What about you, would you go crazy for someone so much that you'd be willing to marry 'em?" 

I stare at Finn. His almond eyes are something I find adorable. His nose may be a bit funny and I can't help but smile. Even is unruly hair is something I sometimes think about. I'm always so tempted to fix it. And mess it up all over again. 

"Maybe. How about you?" 

He stares back at me, "Maybe." His eyes drag back to the T.V. "Yeah, it's a maybe." 

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