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Comments on Wattpad are a wonderful tool for letting authors and readers interact. They are one of the things that make this place unique, and they provide a stage for marvellous exchanges. Most of them are concise, down-to-earth swaps of meaningful information, such as:

  @reader: "😂"

  @author: "🤣"

Or, if the participants are wordy characters:

  @reader: "Love this"

  @author: "Thanks!"

Sometimes, comments get longer and more sophisticated:

  @reader: "u r the bestest ❤️ ur grammer"

  @author: "XD i may even add some punctuation soon"

  @reader: "you mean like commas and dots   r they any good"

  @author: "dunno ive seen others doing em so i think why not"

That's what comments are for. They are a channel for short, well-placed words of advice, praise, and encouragement.

There are some users in this place, though, who abuse them. Dark figures lurking in shady corners of the more backward places of this planet who will fill comments with long statements that span lines and lines, sometimes even approaching or exceeding the 2000 characters limit. And the worst of them will exchange endless streams of bloated bubbles of speech, spinning thoughts and stories, and weighing down innocent books with them.

We (@jinnis and @RainerSalt) have been found guilty of such dire, dreadful deeds. A few of our comment threads ran berserk, turning into epic, nonsensical tales of their own. To make amends, we have decided to transcribe some of them, trying to extract the weird stories within. Here they are.

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