Sonic's capture

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Sonic: Back off! Lyric!

Lyric: Not until you tell me what those symbols say! I know they hold the location of the shattered fragments of the lost crystal! *tries to hit Sonic with his tail*

Sonic: *dodges and slides back, then spots his tablet* Why do you think your fellow ancients hid the fragments in the first place? *dodges again and starts spinning to avoid getting caught and lands on the ground* So that slimy snakes like you couldn't find them and abuse their power? *gets in a stance*

Lyric: Those frightened fools were too weak to harness this power, and now they're dust. As the last remaining ancient the crystal is mine by right! *jumps at Sonic*

Sonic: *jumps away to his tablet and starts talking to Shadow with it*

Shadow: Hello my love~ what's up?

Sonic: Hello dear~ Just fighting for my life with the faith of the world in a balance. You know the usual.

Lyric: *secretly comes up behind Sonic*

Shadow: *spots Lyric coming* Hey?! who's that?!

Sonic: *gets hit and flies back to the wall while holding the tablet* Whoa! Oof! *groans a little before standing up again*

Shadow: Are you okay?!

Lyric: Now tell me what I want to know little boy.

Sonic: I don't think so!

Lyric: *uses his tail to take a device from the side and places it on Sonic's head making him stand up straight* What you think is exactly what this device will reveal.

Sonic: *goes to sleep because of the device* Oh...

Shadow: Sonic?! Sonic! Who are you?!

Lyric: *picks up Sonic* You can call me Lyric, or master.

Shadow: *growls* You better let him go if you know what's good for you! 

Lyric: Honestly, once I read the location of the crystal fragments from Sonic's brain, I don't care what you call me. *uses his tail to hit the tablet and make it go blank*

Shadow: Sonic! NO!! *tablet goes blank* I have to the rest of the group. Oh, Lyric, you're so going to get the big beat down for taking away my Sonic!

Shadow then speeds of to find Tails first, so he could tell him what happened. Once he found him, he started telling him everything.

Shadow: Tails! I was just online with Sonic. He's got a line on those super powerful shattered Crystal Shards he's been hunting--

Tails: Cool!

Shadow: -But some big crazy robo-snake calling himself "Lyric" slithered in and captured him!

Tails: Not cool!

Shadow: I was hoping if you could use your skills to figure out where he is and get him back!

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