Rouge's reason and Silver's arrival

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After a while of chasing, Shadow finally caught up with Rouge when she stopped, and started making his way to her.

Shadow: Rouge! What're you doing here? I thought the commander wanted you to help with an important mission.

Rouge: (talks like a robot)'s...friends...

Shadow: *steps back a little* Rouge? What do you mean? You are his friend.

Rouge: You...won'

Shadow: *growls and gets into a stance* Then I guess I have no choice. Rouge, if you can hear me, I'm sorry.

Shadow and Rouge started fighting, soon, the other started to join in. The fight didn't last until Shadow kicked Rouge in the head and knock her out cold, after some time, Rouge started waking up.

Knuckles: Hey. She's coming around. Heh, should we knock her out again?

Shadow: No Knuckles, we need to talk to her.

Rouge: *groans and shakes her head* What's going on?

Shadow: That's what we want to know. Why did you attack us? Where's Sonic?!

Rouge: *stands up and dusts herself* What are talking about hun? I don't know what's going on. *puts her hand on her chin* The last thing I remember was that I was talking to...a snake robot named Lyric.

Sticks: Lyric! I knew that stinker was engaged with that rotten reptile!

Rouge: But I'm not working anyone. I have a month off from GUN. *machine on head sparks, notices it and takes it off* What is this? *gives it to tails*

Tails: This thing is scrap now but it's clearly some advance tech, like narrow by pass switch. A Mind Control device! *device starts up on its own and starts to show a hollow gram of Lyric*

Lyric: *from the hollow gram* Maggots!! That cost me a valuable excess when you damaged my device!

Shadow: *becomes furious* Lyric. Where's Sonic you spineless freak?!

Lyric: Safe, for the moment. We're having the most delightful conversation.

Shadow: Why don't you come here and face me!!

Lyric: I'm far too busy pealing back at the lair with Sonic's brain like a rotten onion, once he leads me to the crystal fragments, I'll have the power of a god, and I'll grind you all under my heel.

Sticks: You don't have a heel, you're a snake. *hollow gram ends*

Shadow: Lyric is going to die if he dare to hurt Sonic in any other way!

Silver: *teleports in the sky* Don't worry Shadow, *flies down to the group* we will get Sonic back.

Everyone: Silver!

Blaze: Where did you come from?!

Silver: I saw Sonic being kidnapped, and started searching for you guys everywhere. I heard everything, so don't worry about filling me in with details. Great to see you again, Blaze and Rouge.

Blaze and Rouge: Great to see you too.

Shadow: Alright guys, let's head back to the city. Maybe we can find some clues about Sonic from there, and we have to hurry.

They started heading back to the duty by running, and they had to fight a few robots here and there but they managed to get through every single one of them. Once they reached there, they found themselves at the gate way of another ancient city.

Sticks: Whoa! I've seen a lot of ancient cities in my life, but this one beats them all.

Shadow: How many ancient cities have you seen?

Sticks: ...Twelve.

Shadow: Wow, surprisingly normal response. Which one was you favorite?

Sticks: *points her boomerang at him* Why do you want to know? Are you writing an unauthorized biography about me?!

Shadow: I...just wanted to know.

Sticks: *looks around* This place feels like a distant past slammed into the far future, all wrapped up in an incredible present. Feel free to put that in the biography you're writing.

Shadow: Since we haven't found a clue for a while, it feels more like a dead end.

Sticks: No way. I'm sure Sonic left another clue. I can't think of anybody else who even comes close to his power of smartness.

Tails: No one? Not even close?

Sticks: Nope. Everybody else seem TOTALLY STUPID next to Sonic.

Tails: Really? Well I'll just have to find another clue to prove you wrong. *points at her*

Sticks: Technically, it would prove how smart Sonic is since he left it.

Tails growled a little before taking out Sonic's tablet to search for more clues, while Shadow and Sticks help Silver, Blae and Rouge look around for clues.

Tails: (talking with Knuckles) If I can this nest video log of Sonic's we can figure out why he was here.

Knuckles: I'm not real big on fixing stuff, is there anything you need me to break?

Tails: Not now. Maybe later.

Knuckles: Because that's kind of my specialty. "You want something broken right, just ask Knuckles!" That's what they say.

Tails: Literally, that the first time I've ever heard anybody say that.

Knuckles: So need something broken?

Tails: Besides my concentration, you mean. No I- (Tablet suddenly gives something)

Tablet: ...the signal...source...stronger down...find a way...

Tails: Sounds like Sonic was tracking a signal. I bet if can scan all frequencies I could...Bingo! There it is! The signal is coming from underground. We're practically standing on it.

Knuckles: *jumps up and come back down hard making the earth shake a little* Lucky break!


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