Adventure off with Sticks

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Tails made his way to Sticks, and once he got there, Sticks came out from nowhere and started talking to tails.

Tails: Sticks! I've got some good news and some bad news!

Sticks: BAD NEWS?! You mean like world peace and an end to hunger and universal healthcare?

Tails: Well, that would essentially be the good news.

Sticks: Not if it was actually a plot by ladybug overlords to lull us into complacency  so they could EAT OUR BRAINS!

Tails: Ladybug overlords?

Sticks: Evil ladybug overlords! *wiggles her fingers in the air*

Tails: Riiight...then here's the bad news: An evil robot snake named Lyric nabbed Sonic and we don't know where he is.

Sticks: That's GREAT news!

Tails: It is?

Sticks: Evil snakes make a way better competition in battles, and Sonic LOVES battles! I'm coming Sonic!

Tails: Sticks! Wait!!

Then Shadow came and stopped Sticks before she could go further.

Shadow: Sticks, you can't just go running into danger without a plan, a direction, or a clue.

Sticks: Why not?

Shadow: Because if something happens, then we won't be able to save Sonic faster.

Sticks: Plans are for the weak, impulsive, hysterical actions is what's gonna save Sonic!

Shadow: Do you even know where to look?

Sticks: Follow the trail of broken Lyric robots and can't go wrong.

Shadow: I don't see any broken Lyric robots.

Sticks: Me either. That's why I'm gonna MAKE some!

Shadow: NOW you're talking sense!

Sticks: There's no time to talk sense! I gotta rescue Sonic!

Shadow: Sticks! Wait!

They headed off, and started started fighting against the robots that appeared out of nowhere. They ran while fighting as well, and once they're done, they got to do something before leaving.

Sticks: *pulling her boomerang that's stuck in one of the robots* My boomerang's stuck inside one of those stupid robots! *kicks the robot*

Shadow: I can help you get it out if you like.

Sticks: It's really jammed inside his ro-guts, or is it gears? Is that the medical term? *tries pulling again but it didn't budge* Wow, it's really in there.

Shadow: Or you could pull it out yourself... You know what? Let's just do this together. Working together is the only way of saving Sonic anyway. I can't believe I just said that.

Shadow and Sticks hold onto the boomerang and pulled together, then after a bit more pulling, they finally manage to get it out as the robot's goo started flying all over the place. Then Tails came with Sonic's tablet in hand.

Tails: Speaking of Sonic, I deciphered another one of his logs!

Tablet: (...another clue...on my way to up with hug with me, myself and I.)

Tails: Next stop, the Scrapyard to find Knuckles and see what he knows about Sonic! Hey...Sticks why is your boomerang all gooey?

Blaze: *appears next to them* She had her boomerang stuck in the robot. Hello Sticks, I'm Blaze, another one of Sonic's best friends.

Sticks: Hello, I never thought that Sonic would have more friends.

Blaze: Well now you do, anyway, I came because I thought that you guys would need some help on getting to Scrapyard, I know a faster way to get there.

Tails: That'll be great.

Shadow: Oh please do, we have to save him fast.

Sticks: Funny, normally Sonic would be the one to say something like that.

Blaze: Well he is an inspirational hedgehog.


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