Inside the volcano and out again

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Once everyone is in the volcano, they started finding their ways through the volcanic caverns, but they soon found themselves separated and back together at one spot, and without knowing each other's presence they accidentally bumped into each other.

Everyone: bumps into each other* OUCH!

Shadow: Well, now that we found each other, I guess it's official that we're lost. Who would've thought that these caverns would be so complicated? We could be here for a while now.

Knuckles: This isn't how I thought I' go out. I figured I'd go out in a ball of fire.

Tails: This is a volcano. It's basically a ball of fire inside a mountain.

Knuckles: Really? Oh, well, then this is exactly how I thought I'd go out. Sweet, called it!

Silver: Look guys, I know we lost Metal Sonic and things look bad, but we'll get out of this. We always do!

Everyone: How?

Silver: Ummm...

Blaze: I'm with you so far.

Tails: Hold on guys. The algorithm is just finishing up the decryption on another file.

Tablet: ...Ancients' plane...volcano...hidden...advanced tech...

Shadow: Wow Amy, I guess you are right about ancients techs buried in this volcano.

Amy: *smiles* Yep.

Rouge: So, the ancients had a plane, and it's buried in this boiling mountain of rock? How is it able to stand it's heat?

Tails: There's a whole HANGER full of ancient vehicles, and it's here in this volcano. If we can get to it, we can blow this join.

(volcano starts to shake)

Shadow: Before this join blows! Everyone! Hurry!

Everyone quickly started running to find the secret hanger, and once they found it, Tails and Rouge worked together to figure out how to start the plane so they could get to Sonic faster. Meanwhile, Sonic is being held captive in a glass ball in the sky city. He continues to bang on the glass in attempts to escape, as Lyric starts coming up to him.

Lyric: *growls* You're boyfriend has more lives then a cat! And now he's right outside my door!

Sonic: *looks up to him with an angry face and says while kicking the glass ball* Here's what's going to happen next: first Shadow will kick down your door, and then he's going to kick your reptilian butt! Or maybe he'll set me free first so I can kick your butt!

Lyric: I'm a snake. Snakes don't have butts.

Sonic: Then he'll kick your TAIL.

Lyric: I'll be happy to give him the opportunity. Then you can watch as I squeeze the life out of him. With my TAIL.

Sonic: Yeah, I don't think so.

Lyric: Once I finish ripping the translation out of your mind and translate this manuscript I won't care what you think. But or now, THINK OF THE TRANSLATION!

Sonic: I'm thinking that there's enough of your tail for Shadow and I slowly tear apart once I'm out of here.

Lyric: If you're lucky I'll let you wear CHAINS when this is over. Robots: neutralize intruders!

The robots quickly followed orders and started attacking the group when they got there, they started fighting back by using their signature moves on the robots, and once they got every single robot out of the way, they could finally free Sonic from the glass ball and the mind control device on his head. They went to Sonic and Shadow tried his best to break the ball apart, but he couldn't make a dent in it, the rest of the group tried too, but none were able to do anything. Until Tails found the code to the lock and helped free Sonic at last. He also helped remove the Mind control device from Sonic's head.

Sonic: Thanks for saving me everyone, it's good to finally be free and it's also good to see you guys again.

Blaze and Rouge: It's good to see you too Sonic.

Sonic: *goes to Shadow and hugs him tight* I missed you a lot.

Shadow: *hugs back* I've missed you too Sonikku.

Everyone: Aww~~~~

Sonic: *stops hugging* You told them?

Shadow: Might as well.

Sonic: It's okay~

Shadow: Good to know~

Silver: Guys, I hate to break the moment, but we have to stop Lyric before he gets the crystals fragments and take control of the world.

Sonic: Right. Let's do it to it!

Everyone smiled and started heading for Lyric, who in the control room, with Sonic leading the way.


Sonadow and the Shattered Crystalजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें