Amy's help getting closer to Sonic

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Tails told everyone what he found, and started making their move underground. Once they got there, they started thinking of what they should do next.

Sticks: Sonic came through again! Finding him should be a snap!

Shadow: "A snap?" He could be anywhere! This is, like, the BIGGEST robot factory I've ever seen! Lyrics's assembling an ARMY to do his dirty work.

Sticks: "Dirty work?" You mean like doing laundry and cleaning rain gutters and slopping the hogs?

Knuckles: Doing laundry? Cleaning rain gutters? Does Lyric's evil know no limits?!

Shadow: *getting even more worried* I mean finding Sonic in this place is going to take a lot of effort!

Knuckles: *rolls up his gloves* What's the matter Shadow? Afraid to get your hands dirty? *punches his palm*

Shadow: No! My point is we're gonna have to DIS-assemble these robots faster then the factory can assemble them.

Knuckles: "Faster" is my middle name.

Shadow: Yeah? My middle name is "Faster-then-you."

Knuckles: *flicks Shadow's chin with his fingers* What's you first name? "Not?" Ha! Burn!

Shadow: *growls*

Everyone started destroying the robots one by one, by using their own abilities. They had to be quick because the rate that the factory works to get one robot done is really fast, but despite the speed, they managed to get through it without breaking a sweat. Once they were done destroying the robots, they started looking for more that  can help them lead to where Sonic is.

Tails: *typing in a control terminal* It looks like this control terminal to controlled remotely...from ten thousand feet above the ground! Bet that's where lyrics hiding!

Rouge and Blaze: Wow...

Silver: Fascinating, is there anything else on that gizmo that can help? Or is that all?

Tails: No, I got what we needed. *gives a thumb up to Silver*

Blaze: Then I guess we have no use for this piece of junk anymore.

Silver used his powers to try and squish the terminal, but he could. Blaze tried to burn it down, but she could give it burnt marks. Rouge went next, and started kicking the terminal.

Tails: Uh, guys, when you're done trashing that terminal, I've got something ELSE you guys can also trash. *nervous*

Rouge: What is it, hun?

Tails: Not what. WHO! ME-ME-METAL SONIC and he's coming in FAST! *panicking*

Blaze and Rouge: WHAT??!!

Silver: What's HE doing here?!

Tails: There's only one person who can be behind Metal Sonic's appearance, and, without naming names, he has a really stupid mustache!

Terminal(Eggman): Metal Sonic. Protect the factory and eliminate Sonic's friends.

Silver quickly use his powers to pick up two really big rocks, and use them to smash the terminal into pieces before Metal Sonic can hear anything. They quickly hurried over to the others to tell them about Metal Sonic, and one thy got the message, they quickly started fighting him. After a while of fighting, Metal Sonic left. Everyone tried to follow where he went, but they weren't able to catch up to him fast enough.

Shadow: Anybody see which way Metal Sonic went?

Tails: Yeah, he took off towards that volcano. Speaking of which, is anybody else feeling hot?

Silver: *looks around* Is anybody else feeling lost?

Sticks: Is anybody else wishing they bought more peanut butter?

Amy: Need some help?

Everyone: Amy!

Amy: Glad to see you guys again. What's going on?

Tails: Long story short, Sonic got kidnapped by robot snake named Lyric, and now we're trying to save him.

Amy: I see, well maybe I can help. I saw you guys fight Metal Sonic just now, and saw him heading towards that volcano, and that volcano just so happen to have some ancient techs buried there that can be helpful to you guys.

Shadow: Really? That's great Amy! Thanks for letting us know. Come on guys, we have to follow Metal Sonic in order to get to Sonic!

Everyone: Can't wait to see Sonic again huh? *leans in closer to Shadow*

Shadow: *becomes worried* Hey, imagine yourselves having someone you love being taken away by your enemy, and doing who knows what to him or her. How would you feel? Ugh...let's just quickly save Sonic please!

Everyone: *smiles and an anime fangirl* Of course Shadow!

Shadow: Then LET'S GO!!!

Everyone started taking off to the volcano, without a minute to loose so they can save Sonic faster.


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