Letter #1

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Dear Demigod,

Congratulations on finding this letter. It's hard to get in the Hades Cabin, and even harder to have enough time to solve the riddle and combination.

You probably wondered why someone would go to such lengths to keep a letter. This letter, if you can even solve the special clues right behind, holds the exact truth to everything since even before cabins 21 to 32 were built and way before the first 20 were remodeled. (I was there. It was messy.)

But anyway, we're not here to talk about the cabins. We're here to talk about you - how you ended up finding this. You have to be special, and your friends have to be special too. The truth is, dear demigod, everything that you never thought of. Things will be weird once you first start. If you're smart enough to solve the puzzle, you have to be the one.

The one who continues these indefinite happenings.

xoxo, Nicole


What do we have here? The sequel to Prodigiosum? Yep.

I wrote this part way before Prodigiosum even ended, about the time I was still in the middle of Chapter XIV. That's not even how old the whole concept of Infinitus is (the idea came way before even Prodigiosum was conceived. By now there are many, many changes.)

So, yeah, have fun. Let's see what Prodigiosum readers would have to say about these OCs that I made and how Nicole and the other seven are panicking.

- Author~kun

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