iv - romantic; yzonne + alizia

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* pov: third person (yzonne) *


You do not want to be a child of Nemesis or Tyche.

Not because of the abilities - the whole Nemesis revenge drive thingy was cool, to say the least, and the Tyche kids were not only lucky but could give people luck.

No, it was because their head counsellors were the mushiest and most disgusting people whenever they were around each other.

Yzonne Chan couldn't even count how many times Chiara Benvenuti and Damien White snogged each other whenever there were breaks - in the corners, at the back of the arena, after eating, sometimes even before sleeping, right in the space that divided the Nemesis and Tyche cabins.

From Yvonne's input, they'd been making out for about twelve times, and all twelve times were done in a span of fewer than 18 hours.

Talk about PDA gone extreme.

One of the other Nemesis kids said that Damien and Chiara used to be the worst enemies. They said something about Apollo sliding in, trying to woe Damien, and ended up in Chiara and Damien deciding they loved each other and left Apollo to cry a few haikus. That had happened about three years before, and after a few joking love spells from the Aphrodite and Eros kids, something happened and BAM! That.

He was sure that the only thing left to do was to wait until they were eighteen and book the Ultra Eros room up in New Athens' Venus Hotel and wait till the baby came.

But, well, Yzonne wasn't here just to complain about his head counsellor being mushy with Alizia's head counsellor.

One thing that amazed him was New Athens.

There was some sort of charm on New Athens that made it visible to only the claimed. It took up a large part of Long Island Sound, and the Nemesis senior, Bethany Anamura, said that mortals saw it as what it used to look like before.

A few highlights of the city were the many houses that were vacant for the most part because most of the live campers were still pretty young, the shops for various things (they knew when you didn't pay for the things, so the Hermes cabin was basically screwed), and damn, New Athens Academy was beautiful. It was large and taught first graders to college seniors. The teachers were all from the Roman camp and some of the old campers who'd left CHB when they were old enough.

Yzonne, at his tender age of 13 and a half, was somehow more than ready to go back to 7 hours of learning things once summer ended. He'd only moved to America with his mortal family and sister after Primary Six in Singapore (and earned 205 for his leaving examination), which was the equivalent of sixth grade. He was supposed to go to some school called Yancy Academy that September, but he was afraid he'd have to convince Chiron and his father to let him go to New Athens instead.

All that aside, Yzonne didn't exactly know why he didn't want to be the son of Nemesis or be in the Nemesis cabin in the first place. Maybe it was because they'd struck him as violent when he'd first started. Maybe Nemesis had something to do with something sinister.

Or maybe because the cabin itself was perfectly centered between the Hades and Dionysus cabin.

Right when he first entered the Hermes cabin, the Hades cabin that was behind it irked him a little. He didn't think that it was creepy or anything - whoever was a child of Hades in there didn't deserve that. He just felt bitterness and a thirst for revenge or something radiate from that cabin. The Dionysus cabin was the same thing, but he sensed something sadder... But then the more he stayed in the camp, the more he felt the radiation of inner desires to get revenge, from every direction.

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