viii. love at war; alizia

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* pov: third person (alizia) *


Alizia sucked a whole lot at archery.

The twins had a strange affinity for it — maybe because their names were tied to the sport. But no matter how lucky Alizia was, she could never hit a bull's eye. Even after about an hour of trying.

Kayla Knowles tried her best to be of assistance, and Alizia was grateful. She frequently went over to her lane to adjust her position, maybe fix her arrow back into place, or give an example. She couldn't find much wrong with Kayla's way of teaching. She could find a flaw in whoever else was with her.

For instance, Sherman Yang and Angeline Lim had suddenly flipped personalities. They weren't saints, but they weren't witches either. They made comments at her occasionally but shut their mouths most of the time. A bit unnerving considering how rude they were to the twins (causing their claiming).

For the fifth time that day, she tucked a strand of her dyed hair and sighed. First period archery was painful.

After that, Chiara and Damien and the twins were nowhere to be seen. Instead, she saw the Eris kids leaning against their cabin, and because she didn't have anything for another hour, she decided to walk over to them. She wasn't as close to Justin as she was to the twins, but they had their fair share of friendly exchanges, and besides, Justin's primary source of energy was Yolé frozen yogurt.

She walked over awkwardly and waved her hand subtly. "Hello?"

All three Eris kids whipped around and Alizia seriously considered bailing out on socializing with them. She was a friendly girl, no doubt, but the Eris kids just irked her.

The counselor was about sixteen years of age and an albino, with her far-too-pale complexion and her practically white hair and her violet eyes. There was something remotely unnerving about her stance and she had to be way too tall for a sixteen-year-old girl. Justin was the shortest, and looked the warmest out of all of them, having a reasonable colour for skin tone and shaggy raven locks and grey eyes.

The tallest one was nearly as pale as the counselor, his pale blonde locks and sharp features giving him the perfect look of a Slytherin, not to mention his two-toned eyes and freckles. Alizia had heard stories about him from Courtney and the Hermes kids, and she stood there, transfixed.

"What are you looking at?" He snapped, crossing his arms after replacing his white headphones back around his neck.

"Don't be rude, Golde," chided the head counselor. "I suppose you're Alizia Lee?" She said to Alizia who nodded. Then she smiled. "Justin says you're a really sweet person."

"Well, she really is," intervened Justin. "I'm not as close to her as I am with Tristan, but I know for a fact that honey cannot compare to her."

Alizia smiled vibrantly and then tried to decide whether or not to linger around until they left the place. Moments later, three identical siblings, the Pheme kids, ran over to them with expectant expressions. They all had matching curled hair, matching purple and pink outfits, and matching brown eyes. The second Trinity saw them, she cursed under her breath.

"Now, now, the three of you, don't go spreading any dirt about anybody," she said sternly. The tallest one rolled her eyes and the shortest one stuck her tongue out. The middle one, who seemed to be the middle child, stood out with a defiant posture.

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