7 qs

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So I kept being tagged on things so I decided to put them up separetly because I don't want to spam people when I (finally) update so here ya go. And because I don't have any friends on wattpad, technically, because I met an awesome friend through here and we talk all the time but we don't really use wattpad as a means of communication but anyway because no friends, I will not tag anyone else. Also I'm not exactly sure how these work. So here goes:

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What is the longest you've ever gone without sleep?

A full 24 hours I think.

Biggest fear?

Welp. The only one I can think that I'm able to put into words is extremely personal and scarring so I'd rather not go into that. But for the sake of things I will say heights.

What cheers you up or comforts you?

You guys definitely. Your comments. And Percy comforts me. All the time. I really love that dork. Like a lot. Like a lot a lot. Seriously, a lot. A LOT.

Best compliment you've ever received?

A comment about my writing. It was literally the sweetest thing like ever. Seriously. Thank you. And a close runner up was a time a total stranger thanked me for wearing a shirt. Like they backtracked and stuff to come tell me. I don't know, it made me pretty happy because no one ever thanked me in that way. Like thanking me for liking something. It made me feel like it wasn't a bother to talk about the things I like and be open about it.

What is your favourite/most worn article of clothing?

My CHB necklace because Percy brings me comfort, don't leave home without it. But I also wear my D&P tour shirt all the time because I love those dorks too and seeing them was amazing.

Is there anything you can't leave the house without?

Oops I answered it already kinda. The necklace but also my phone.

If you could go back in time and change one thing from your past, what would it be? Why?

I would take more chances. I can't remember any now but I know I missed so much because I was too afraid to talk and do things, even stand up for myself.

Sorry if I said too much. 

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