13 facts

82 1 2

Forgot who tagged me on this one

A. My title must be lit... ? I don't know, is it?

1. I have *three precious dogs.


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And a guinea pig named Percy (I could only find my girls. I'll try later to find my son)

2. I just turned 18

3. I'm agender

4. I think I just have a fluid sexuality

5. I'm really tired all the time. Also right now

6. I'm a capricorn fuck that new list or whatever

7. I have one brother

8. I like art

9. I like singing

10. I'm boring

11. It's really hard for me to text people or talk to them first because I fee like I annoy them so I get really happy when someone contacts me first because then maybe they might actually want to talk to me

12. I had stitches on my eyelid last year

13. I'm a terrible person

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