10 qs

41 0 1

Tagged by Percabeth2442 also

1. Godly parent

Nemesis haha Ethan is ma bro. I actually really like Ethan I chose him as the evil king because once upon a time I thought Nico and Ethan would be hella cute but of course in normal circumstances not this evil Ethan shite

2. Hogwarts house

Don't like hp sorry don't hate me I tried but I thought the books were boring

*edit: my friend made me take the quiz thing and I got slytherin look at that proving I am a snek also took the glowy animal quiz and got a snake SO DOUBLE SNEK

3. Faction

I don't know. I only ever read the first book. I don't feel like I'm too well acquainted to say

4. District

Uh also no sorry. I just can't do love triangles. Now if it was mutual between the three sign me up otherwise nope

5. OTP


6. Best author

Uncle Rick is my fave best author

7. Would you rather be a demigod, live in the maze, be a wizard, live in panem with the hunger games, or be a shadowhunter?

Demigod, easy. Bring on the monsters

8. What author gave you the most feels?

Dam I have no clue. There's been so many

9. Percy, Harry, Tris, or Katniss?

Lololol. Percy es mi numero uno. Lo amo.

10. Tag 10 people

Guys I know zero(0) people but hey if you wanna do this give it a go.

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