Additional 13 facts

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Forgot who tagged me


You have to post the rules (screenshot is fine)

You can't tag the person who tagged you back

You can't refuse the challenge

You have one week to do this

You got to do it in a book not on someone's wall or comment section

List 13 things about yourself

Have a creative title

Tag 13 people

Don't change the rules


1. I know how to make a couple different friendship barcelets

2. I can't do makeup for shit

3. I'm turning 19 this year (AAAAAAAHHHHHHH)

4. I volunteer at the library

5. I am seriously unfit and unhealthy

6. I'm getting my wisdom teeth out in October

7. I'm Mexican

8. I'm fluent in Spanish and English

9. I know a good amount of ASL

10. I was born in California

11. Nobody wants to hire me

12. I have to climb the counters in the kitchen to be able to reach a mug or something

13. Both my best friends want to be some type of artist

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