oh my gods TWELVE qs

27 0 1

I was tagged in this one by CarleeValdez18

1. Weird fact about me

I don't know if you've seen it around the internet but I went to the school with the Daniel and cooler Daniel. It was in my seventh grade yearbook

2. Favorite food

Tacos dorados de papa!

3. First fandom


4. Best friends

Surprisingly, I have two.

5. Current lock screen

 Current lock screen

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6. Favorite OTP


7. Birthday December 27

8. 5 fears

heights, talking to people, people talking to me, knives, choking

9. What do you look like

lucky for you guys one of my best friends introduced me to an app and I took a selfie after like 4 years:

lucky for you guys one of my best friends introduced me to an app and I took a selfie after like 4 years:

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I look terrible I know I'm sorry. I look like a goddamn child lol

10. Favorite song

still can't answer

11. Why I made my account

Originally, I wanted an app where I could read free books

12. Favorite character ever

Probably tired of me saying it but Percy

tag 20 people---still don't know who

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