Cartoon Tag

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Also forgot who tagged this

1. What's the first cartoon you've ever watched?

I do not remember

2. What's your favourite cartoon?

Voltron maybe or Miraculous Ladybug or Bee and Puppycat

3. Favorite male character?


4. Favourite female character?

Cinder and Reyna are my babes

5. What's a cartoon I want to see?

I've wanted to check out the legend of korra for a while now but I never get around to it

6. Who is your crush?

Just fictional characters. No real people around me are nice

7. Who's your favourite ship?

If it's not obvious, Solangelo but also Viktuuri because hell yes

8. Cartoon you don't like?

Spongebob annoys the hell out of me

9. Who's your favourite villian?

This will be updated when I remember

10. What's your favourite funny scene?

As the person who tagged me, that dam scene never fails to make me laugh

11. What's your favourite suspense/ shock scene?

will also be updated when I remember

12. Favourite sad scene?

I can't say it's my favorite bwcause it's a terrible thing but it is 100% sad. Flashback scenes for Saeran and Saeyoung. It always makes me cry. Why were such sweet boys given shit? They deserved so much better. Their mother was scum. Just ugh.

13. Who's your favorite character?

Percy Jackson, forever and always

14. What cartoon do you get tired of watching?

Family Guy also irritates the shit outta me

15. What's your favourite animal?


16. What's a cartoon with the best quality animation?

I actually haven't noticed but now I will keep close watch

17. Favorite male and female side characters?

Oh shit too many. Can't think

18. Who's your favourite irrelevant character?

There's irrelevant characters?

19. What's a character you don't like?

Also hella

20. Who's your favourite crazy character?

I don't know

21. Favourite main character?

PerCy jACkSoN

22. Who's the strongest character?

Well hell. What kind of strong are we talking about here? Physically strong? Emotionally strong? Power stuff strong? Strong smelling? ????

23. Who's the loveliest character?

No clue but because I love Percy Jackson, I'm gonna go with the P man himself HAHA PEE MAN i crack myself up

24. Who's the most handsome?

ZOO WEE MAMA are we going there? You want a list as long as the state I live in?

25. Favourite power/skill?

I don't know man. There's super cool stuff out there. Can't choose

Okay then it says I gotta tag peeps. The only peeps I got are the marshmallow peeps. Actually, not even those so I will not be tagging anyone this evening. 

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